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  1. hgschnell

    Search Help

    Search for "Sidney Schwartz" (all his lib have "ss" in the name of the zip)
  2. But the panel remains buggy because of missing gauges: gauge53=n_number_plaque!n_number_plaque, 663,677,67,19 and VCockpit sections of the Mooney.
  3. The panel is ix not good modified from Mooney_bravo to Morane_Saulnier. Gauges are missing and the Morane has no VC, I would search for a better panel...
  4. I wonder if the French version of FS2004 would accepz the accents?
  5. Ultimate Terrain Europe does not cover this area
  6. hgschnell

    Eilerons move

    The AircraftContainerSDKFS2004.pdf writes in the Auto Pilot section something about "default_bank_mode": This determines the default bank mode when the autopilot logic is turned on. 0 = None, 1 = Wing Level Hold, 2 = Heading Hold (current heading). If no value is set, Wing Level Hold will be the default. Note: Setting the variable use_no_default_bank=1 will set default_bank_mode = 0 perhaps this is the reason?
  7. But do you really need joystick/yokes in slew mode? I prefer key strokes and some times 1/4 rate of sim speed to position it exactly
  8. I disabled my joysticks in slew mode in the fs9.cfg: [JOYSTICK_SLEW {9F38E1B0-FF3A-11E6-8003-444553540000}] LOCKED=1 [JOYSTICK_SLEW {9F3649A0-FF3A-11E6-8001-444553540000}] LOCKED=1 If your "cross hair" is Finneyground's Crosshair Plus, it crashes if you leave slew mode on the ground. (depending on realismus setting)
  9. In FS9 you have to edit xml code and load airport from xml code.
  10. Because of missing lib, I cannot see the windmills Edit: Forget about, my fault with coordinates, sorry
  11. Thanks a lot, same error fixed by the missing textures... Guenther
  12. Yes, I ignore the HHGround2004 and have UT Europe for detailed rivers, streets and so on. Perhaps I will create a Photo Scenery with SBuilder in the future. Guenther
  13. @Bernard: do you use UT Europe too?
  14. Same here... But no crash at night...
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