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  1. Hmmm, each to their own, but I find that with Trackir ( and using the mouse to click on the cockpit switches and rotataries, most of which work in the 3d cockpits, almost like a RL pilot would, ), that it gives me an element of realism that using a keyboard would almost certainly take away. Everything works fine, from airliners right back down to Cessnas..
  2. No, I don’t miss 2D cockpits at all. I am flying FSX on Windows XP. I use Trackir in 3d cockpits and I do not understand those who want to remain on 2D cockpits. Dont get me wrong. Everyone is entitled to their preference, but after all this time, to be flying FSX without experiencing Trackir and 3d cockpits, baffles me. It’s just one of those things that should be tried, and if it is, surely you cannot go back, All default aircraft with 3d cockpits……Great! All David Maltby aircraft , the same. To sit in the cockpit, looking around exactly as you would in RL. Lean forward to an instrument, or lean over to look down out of the aircraft side window. unbelievable realism. My FSX is great with these planes, and the navigation realism that Trackir, and FS Recorder ( replays) and FS Commander offers, I just keep my fingers crossed that my whole system doesn’t go tits up. Cos it couldn’t be replicated, I don’t think.
  3. Hi, Silly little question really, but I would like to know,please. after take off , when are the switches taken off-IRL. Cruise altitude? Or 10000ft, or pilots discretion..? Thanks
  4. Thanks guys, I have also googled it and it seems for safety’s sake that highways are still used. Makes sense I think. Putting the planes “on roads” makes for less chance of collisions? As Viper says, leave the direct stuff to small planes and VFR with the assistance of Mr Garmin
  5. Hello Anyone in the know please. I have been making flight plans for airliners using “high altitude routes “. Is it the case now, in real life, with GPS as good as it is, that Flying from A to B is done directly. As can be chosen in flight planner? Or are most flights still using high altitude routes.. cheers
  6. Cracked it!!! I’ve managed to get it working. What I have done is this. The keys I used for pause and centre, in my case f9 and f12, I removed from the FSX controls. Then I went into the Trackir Profiles and edit the Hotkeys. On the “change” button for Pause I press it and then click the button on my joystick . Same for the Change button for centre, ie, another joystick button. That’s it. Those buttons on the joystick now activate the Trackir functions. Unlike the other buttons on my joystick, these buttons have nothing to do with FSX,!
  7. Yes, agreed. I will double check, nut I think that is already the case. when any key is selected to be used for any FSX function,then if it is already in use then you are told and asked if you wish to change it. so, when told it is available then that indicates it isn’t already being used in FSX. i have also found out that the centre and pause functions can be allocated buttons in Trackir 4 in similar way that you show in Trackir 5. its a bit Grrrr
  8. Thanks for your reply Wim. However, first I’m on Trackir 4 software, not 5 as in your answer. It worked before, in a similar way to how you describe, except the. “Other way round”, ie in the sim I choose the action, e g centre, and then I am invited to press the button or joystick button for that action. ( I pressed the joystick button) It appears to accept ( as it does for all other sim actions, e.g. ATC window), but when the joystick button is pressed with the sim running there is no action. I have tried changing the f9 and f12 , I haven’t stuck to them, but the result is the same with other buttons used as hotkeys in the Trackir profile So, to sum up, it seems Trackir 5 lets you map within Trackir 5, whereas using trackir4 software lets you select your hotkeys and then using those to map within the sim.Doing it the latter way it seems they do not “take”: So the question is, will my not new Trackir unit work with Trackir 5 software, in windows XP?. And there is still the niggle that it did work with the Cougar, Wim, clearly you know your Trackir stuff. Do you have any other suggestions on this,please Any experts on Trackir 4 software?
  9. Do you mean just the Trackir buttons? The other buttons map very well within the sim controls, but it’s just the two buttons that are being used for “pause” and “centre” in Trackir. I know that somehow it can be done cos I had the same issue with the Cougar.
  10. I have recently changed my HOTAS from Cougar to Saitek X45.( the former seems to have died). Set up has been fine in Windows XP. However, when mapping buttons I cannot get the mapping to work on the two keyboard buttons which are used by the Trackir. In my case F9 and F12. I had the same problem initially when setting up the Cougar, but I managed to get them working. But it was so long ago I can’t remember what I had to do to achieve that.,! The Trackir uses two keyboard buttons , one for centring , and one for toggling static / movement view. When I map these to my X45 they do not activate the Trackir, the keyboard buttons , however, still do work. All other buttons in the sim can be mapped to the X45. ANY Trackir user able to assist please?
  11. Edit to above… I-have got the X45 working fine. I am especially pleased with the throttle smoothness. It was a straightforward set up via the Game controller icon. I have a slight problem mapping a button to activate my Trackir I will ask on a separate thread. Ta
  12. Hello My Cougar HOTAS has given the ghost apparently. I have. Saitek X45 HOTAS. I do not have the cd with the XP drivers . can anyone point me to where I may download them,please? OR failing that, will the joystick work by just plugging in and letting windows drivers work. Does FSX recognize the HOTAS and allow mapping within the sim? This would be sufficient without the SSE drivers, actually? advice please would be appreciated. Thanks
  13. So, hang on. Are you saying that a flight simmer , like me, using top joysticks etc flying it as a “Study” sim and not a game, and who hasn’t been within 100 miles of an X Box, can get a trial of the sim in the manner that you suggest and I would be able to fly it, I.e. without an X box, ? That is an academic question , by the way, because in order to use MS 2020, I would need (want) to buy a new top end computer, and other stuff,( exactly what I do not know.i.e what of my peripherals is compatible) Because at present I fly FSX offline on a Windows XP computer. So quite an investment would have to be made before I could play or trial the sim. Hence the comments re attending a flight sim club meeting
  14. Wow,! 10Ghz… Now, that would be something. I didn’t know that. I take your points, but many are disappointed (I’ve read) with the apparent “arcading” of MS2020. I mean, as soon as you are flying with an X box, any pretence of a flight simulator is greatly diminished. And , Ok, there is the Market argument….that the X box function helps to achieve. Which is to sell more and make money. I’ll wait to see with interest what MS2024 brings . Depending on my stamina I might then attend a flight sim club, which is some way away, to see for myself what it exactly can do. Something I was able to do in the past, with FSX, and which I found to be an excellent way to find out about a sim’s capabilities - and my own
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