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About salt_air

  • Birthday 05/04/1951

Personal Information

  • Location
    Virginia Beach, VA USA.
  • Occupation
    Part Time Knucklehead

salt_air's Achievements

Super Simmer

Super Simmer (5/7)

  • Reacting Well Rare
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  • One Year In
  • First Post Rare

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  1. Thanks Mark Fond memories of my first event of many. I do sorely miss those days and all who participated. Cheers!
  2. Hello Adrian,


    Right, so I see a message about having my files show on my account?


    Sounds nice ... what do I need to do for this to happen?






  3. Hi Joseph, If there is a gauge folder in P3D like there is in the main FSX folder ... just move (copy) those contents in the FSX Gauges folder to the P3D Gauges folder. You'll probably want to move more planes later , so I'd just move all of those files. Not sure of P3D's folder structure, but assuming it's like FSX ..... anyway that's where the Skhawk's gauges can be found. Would also like to say thanks for your service in the real world! Cheers, :pilot:
  4. Hello asos, Insure you have expanded the FSNav screen completely. There should be visible a toolbar at the top .... if not go to options and check toolbar. Find the next to the last icon on the right (just before the yellow question mark icon) as a head with a red check mark. Click that. Cheers,
  5. You're quite welcome Barry.


    I appreciate what it takes to put on and do what you provide for the community and it should be celebrated and supported in any way that can be afforded.



  6. May I just say many thanks for your support.


    Rgds Barry

  7. Hello Nels,


    Just stooped by to thank you for quickly dispatching the spam on the Multiplayer's Adventure Forum earlier this week. Nice catch!



  8. Jets on this one I assume.......
  9. https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?p=1333872&posted=1#post1333872


    Here's the announcement for this month's race event. It's our first so you can imagine how crazed it may get. Any and all are welcomed.


    The Hamachi setup may be new to you, if anyone needs a hand with it just gimme a shout PM or better ask the question in the forum so the timid (to shy to ask) can have the benefit of the solution.

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