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Posts posted by giorda35

  1. Please, excuse my poor English.

    In FS2020, I am trying to fly with Dc3, To start the motors I followed the done list but, whem I am on the runway, ready to start, after few meters the power levers go to zero. If I try to give power, the levers return ro zero and start to shake. So, I think there is some gauge to regulate I missed, but I need some help. Can you help me? Many thanks. giorda35

  2. Please excuse my English.

    I made an italian flightplan freom Pisa to Genova.

    Before putting SID, STARS and ILS, I tried to delete some waypoint suggested from the flightplan, but it was impossible.

    I know that off of SId and STARS it is possible to delete waypoints, but in my case this is not true.

    Have someone some suggestion to me?

    Many Thanks


  3. I have a regular copy on ten dvd of flight simulator 2020, standard edition as a present of my parents .

    Today I wish download upgrade IX, Italy and Malta, but I am not able to do, because in main menu of the game the shop is “not disposable now” and in Microsoft Store there is not the upgrade.

    Why happens that? There is a way of download the upgrade?

    Thanks for your help



  4. An year ago I buied the standard edition of fs2020. Due to a my mistake, the installation presents several misfunctions. I am not able to install any mod and yesterday I was not able to stop a push back, so I would prefer uninstall all and reinstall flight simulator. I know of several diffucultites for the registration. It is possible, in some manner, to reinstall it without buyng a new Flight simulator? I am using a pc with Windows10.

    Many thanks and, please, excuse my poor English .



  5. Hi,

    To fly with FSX, I downloaded the spitfire_mk11native plane but a strange thing happen: the fighters.cab gauge works

    well with the Mixture and Prop levers, but do not work with the throttle lever, so is impossible to accelerate.

    Sometime also the throttle lever works, but it is totally episodic.

    I tried to understand why this happen, but without any result.

    Have you some solution to this?

    Many thanks and,please, excuse my English


  6. Thanks to all the people . I am a very old man (last 4 december , due to the covid only with mi wife, I celebrated my 85 years) So, to use FS2020 I have to change the computer) The problem for me is:

    To change the computer is necessary to set the new one and I am not sure the old programs I am using, as Microsoft Word or Nero shall be prompt for the new pc, and

    is correct at my age to buy a pc I shall use for a brief time?

    Many thanks and please, excuse my English


  7. Hi,

    I have an old pc with Windows 7 Home Premium, Nvidia GTForce GT 630, Intel Core i3-3240 3.40 GHz, Memory 8 Gb.

    For me this computer is ok (I too are an old man) and often do some flight with FSX.

    Yesterday, as a Christmas present, my son gave to me Flight Simulator 2020.

    The characteristics of my computer are below the minumum requested for using FS2020.

    My problem is as follows:

    Can I install FS 2020 and use it with lower characteristics or is impossible to install?

    Waiting a reponse, many thanks and ,please, excuse my poor English



  8. It wse a mistake of me, the number of files is the same. There is another ipothesis. a used Cabpack to add some gauge to several airplanes without problems. This is the first time I tried to change a default gauge, In this case Cabdir failed and Cabpack has the problems I said. Can be that the reason?

    What is your opinion?



  9. Due to problems of my sight, I tried to change the Airbus_A321.cab gauge.

    My aim was to have red Speed, Alt and HDG buttons when off, and green buttons when on.

    I tried to get the modified Airbus_A321.cab with Cabdir.exe, but my attempt failed.

    I succedeed with Cabpack.exe, but now loading of the aircraft is very slow.

    There is a way to overcome this?

    Many thanks



  10. I have a FSX Deluxe edition and, as a beginner, I fly specially in Italy. I have a Windows 7 Home premium , a NVidia GE Force GT 630 and a screen resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels.

    Normally is all ok but, in proximity of some default airport, the frame rate is decreasing so the scenery, during the flight, is moving not contionuosly but in steps and the landing, in these circumstances, is very difficult

    What is the reason of that and there is a way to overcome this?

    I hope that my poor English is not a difficulty to undertand my problem.

    Many thanks


  11. Sorry if this is the wrong forum, I have FSX with Acceleration and Window7. I do not know why,

    surely an error from me, now the fuel consumption between left and right tank is very different.

    Before starting a flight I make equal the fuel in any tank, but after few minutes there is a difference.

    Before starting the flight, I noticed in the Baron 50 plane a difference in setting of the tanks so I think there is some wrong setting due to the my mistake.

    Can someone help me and excuse my poor English?

    Many thanks



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