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Posts posted by GKKnupper

  1. Hi,


    curious why most of the TDS Boeings have CG way forward (see picture). This seems to cause unnatural down pitch after take off during climb. I did some tweeks in aircraft GFGs to alter this but only marginally. Actualy when I moved back static pitch in contact points too much, the aircraft fell on its tail.

    But somehow I believe that TDS have a reson for this since most of their Boeings look like this?


    Just curious if any clues.


    @ Peter Bendl


    Dear Sir,


    please see line "wing_sweep"




    wing_area = 1341

    wing_span = 117.5

    wing_root_chord = 25.8

    wing_dihedral = 6.2

    wing_incidence = 1

    wing_twist = -0.5

    oswald_efficiency_factor = 0.68

    wing_winglets_flag = 1

    wing_sweep = 0 //25

    wing_pos_apex_lon = 15.0

    wing_pos_apex_vert = 0


    The "Problem" has to do with the WING Sweep and must be corrected accordingly and NOTHING else.


    NO fussing with the CG , Contact Points .... in the CFG- or even ANYTHING in the AIR-file.




    G. Kirschstein

  2. Hi,


    curious why most of the TDS Boeings have CG way forward (see picture). This seems to cause unnatural down pitch after take off during climb. I did some tweeks in aircraft GFGs to alter this but only marginally. Actualy when I moved back static pitch in contact points too much, the aircraft fell on its tail.

    But somehow I believe that TDS have a reson for this since most of their Boeings look like this?


    Just curious if any clues.


    @ Peter Bendl


    Dear Sir,


    please see line "wing_sweep"




    wing_area = 1341

    wing_span = 117.5

    wing_root_chord = 25.8

    wing_dihedral = 6.2

    wing_incidence = 1

    wing_twist = -0.5

    oswald_efficiency_factor = 0.68

    wing_winglets_flag = 1

    wing_sweep = 0 //25

    wing_pos_apex_lon = 15.0

    wing_pos_apex_vert = 0


    The "Problem" has to do with the WING Sweep and must be corrected accordingly and NOTHING else.


    NO fussing with the CG , Contact Points .... in the CFG- or even ANYTHING in the AIR-file.




    G. Kirschstein

  3. @ViperPilot2


    Please see the line : wing_sweep



    wing_area = 1341

    wing_span = 117.5

    wing_root_chord = 25.8

    wing_dihedral = 6.2

    wing_incidence = 1

    wing_twist = -0.5

    oswald_efficiency_factor = 0.68

    wing_winglets_flag = 1

    wing_sweep = 0 //25 !!! The CG Forward has to do with the Wing Sweep ... It must be OFFSET accordingly , NOTHING else

    wing_pos_apex_lon = 15.0

    wing_pos_apex_vert = 0


    The TDS planes are excetionally WELL designed !!


    Your comment:

    "and move some TDS heavy Iron to the Boneyard." is NOT deserved for this very good designer.





  4. Hi,


    curious why most of the TDS Boeings have CG way forward (see picture). This seems to cause unnatural down pitch after take off during climb. I did some tweeks in aircraft GFGs to alter this but only marginally. Actualy when I moved back static pitch in contact points too much, the aircraft fell on its tail.

    But somehow I believe that TDS have a reson for this since most of their Boeings look like this?


    Just curious if any clues.


    @Peter Bendl


    Please see the line : wing_sweep



    wing_area = 1341

    wing_span = 117.5

    wing_root_chord = 25.8

    wing_dihedral = 6.2

    wing_incidence = 1

    wing_twist = -0.5

    oswald_efficiency_factor = 0.68

    wing_winglets_flag = 1

    wing_sweep = 0 //25 !!! The CG Forward has to do with the Wing Sweep ... It must be OFFSET accordingly , NOTHING else

    wing_pos_apex_lon = 15.0

    wing_pos_apex_vert = 0







  5. @ViperPilot2


    Hi ,

    IF you refer to heather Sherman who did a lot of repaints for many different planes, her favored color was a type of Maroone color.


    I had contact with her for a long time and than .... silence.




    G. Kirschstein

  6. @Connel


    The second drive CONNECT to its own SATA Controller.


    BUT much BETTER performance you will get IF you use 2 SSD.


    1 for the OP-System


    and the second one for ALL of your Flight Sims.




    G. Kirschstein

  7. @ViperPilot2




    The comment THEY made


    "Some followers laughed, but many said that it's the perfect SIM for those that are either Hardware or Budget challenged, and for the Beginner because it'll run on just about any rig out there!"


    Just let THEM do it !!


    I bet most of THEM do NOT understand:

    1. Computer HW / SW / OP-Systems

    2. Do NOT understand the "REAL Internas" of a FS System

    4. NEVER did any Improvement to FS9 (however they could ///)

    3. Are NOT real Pilots at ALL

    4. Are to dumb to walk in a straight line ..




    G. Kirschstein

  8. Herr Leuenberger ,


    die MITGELIEFERTE "name.BGL" file F U N K T I O N i e r t einwandfrei.


    Diese hat weit

    300 Flugplaene die aber als WEEKLY spezifiziert angelegt wurden./\


    Erschwerend kommt hinzu das die "Bomber" WELTWEIT fliegen.


    Zufaellig ist mein Heimatflughafen enthalten, durch Dis-Assembly der BGL file, konnte ich die "Bomber" in meiner FS9 Installation



    Die "Bomber" fliegen auch beim Pilotieren SEHR gut. !!!!!


    Also nochmals, ALLES funktioniert KORREKT wie es der Author ausgefuehrt hat .


    Das einzige was ich kritisiere ist das Er sich nicht die Muehe gab die BGL und die Anzahl der Flugplaene und den Typ er Flugplaene

    NICHT beschrieben hat.


    Aber sonst hat der "Simmer" eine sehr gute Arbeit geleistet.


    Gruesse aus dem Paradies von


    G. Kirschstein


    P.S. Ich werde Sie in naechster Zeit belaestigen ABER nicht sofort da ich um mein linkes Augenlicht kaempfe um dieses nicht zu verlieren.


    Das habe ich mir nach dem 3ten COVID Booster Shot eingefangen ... und dann hier dieses sehr "responsive" Health Care System

  9. @skywest



    DID you check Sir that the file is stored in the FS9 Folder and NOT in the DLL folder ?



    G. Kirschstein


    P.S. IF you would move on to the next "SIM" every time you encounter a problem ..........

  10. Guten Tag Herr Leuenberger, Gruezzi .


    Ich kann KEIN Problem feststellen !


    Die "Bomber" sind ALLE, in den 5 Gruppen, als AI definiert , die haben keine Panel daran kann man es erkennen das diese NICHT Pilotierbare "Bomber" sind.


    DARUM ist in der Airfile "SGAI_Falcon20.air" im Record 105 eine 2 zu sehen.


    Aendern Sie dieses auf 0 und DANN koennen Sie den "Bomber" in FS9 unter



    Select Aircraft


    zum PILOTIEREN laden ABER ohne Panel .


    Ich hoffe das hilft Ihnen weiter


    Gruesse und Dank aus dem Paradies sendet Ihnen Herr Leuenberger


    G. Kirschstein


    P.S. Ich werde Sie ueber meine normale email anschreiben mit einer Frage meinerseits.

  11. @Christopher Tarana


    Dear Sir,


    what are you "recommending" ??


    You wasted 2 hours of my valuable time of stating this CRAP to me !!!


    This is the lowest level of an so called FS!


    From now on any of your "Contributions" will be disregarded by me.


    What a recommendation OMG





    G. Kirschstein

  12. @Skywatcher12



    Dear Sir, Mr. Mark Daniels!


    You wrote:


    “Goodbye to the members in this forum. My posts are now under moderation and I have no interest in staying anywhere where I have such restrictions. All the best to all and long live FS9!”


    I’m sorry, but I do NOT understand these parts of your sentence:


    1. My posts are now under moderation


    2. where I have such restrictions



    Are you trying to convey that “THIS” entity Flightsim.com, is acting like these CRIMINEL Social Media Outfits like Facebook, TWITTER and the rest of this crap ??


    Please reply to my email address, I believe you should still have it because I sent you some files before, but here we go.






    G. Kirschstein

  13. @skywatcher12



    sorry but your statement " nothing else to do just fly" is almost correct BUT there are still major problems in FS9.


    The "ERROR Handler" is theeeeee worst one I have ever encountered in my IT carrier within the last sixty (60) years

    in SW Development !!!


    Furthermore it is really ridiculous that at FS Start UP time this expert for the EFFECTS did this unbelievable unnecessary work which complicates debugging of some planes almost impossible ....


    NO design walk through was performed in this area alone, besides the horrible ERROR Handler, which shows that the Finance and Sales experts forced an INCOMPLETE product into the market.


    After FS9 , for these obvious reasons, I was NOT willing to debug FSX and spent any money on ANY of these products from MS Gates anymore.




    G. Kirschstein

  14. @skywatcher12

    Don't worry about those IQ loaded experts ...


    They do not know what Flightsimulator means, they are looking for "Look how nice I look" and nothig else.


    I answered to 2 gentlemen and I hope the reply gets to them ...



    IF I would have the chance to discuss face to face with them why after Windows XP any other MS Crap was produced

    they would "exactly" know why ...


    Why FSX did NOT fix any of the remaining FS9 problems THESE experts might know as well .....



    I do not care what anybody else is using, Windows Crap or FS version, but these so called experts try to force THEIR opinion upon other HAPPY Simmers which might know a little bit more about System HW / SW / Firmware / OP-Systems

    Application Designs and implementations of all of these subjects.




    G. Kirschstein

  15. @kevinfolsom



    I forgive you BECAUSE you do not know what you are talking !!!

    Because I have my friendly day otherwise I would take the liberty to tell you the truth about your IT knowledge.


    You must be one of the persons who likes looks over substance !!






    G. Kirschstein

  16. @CTarana45


    you are QUITE wrong about fs2004 bugs.

    I submitted 83 bugs to the "gods responsible for this product" alone ...


    never got any replay.


    that was the reason I never went to FSX because the did not EVEN bother to look at the still existing problems FS9 had.


    IF these "gods" would even had considered considered to fix some of them than all the following .... PRODUCTS were not have been needed.


    I never understood why the FSX team did not look at the existing problems of FS9 ..



    Now reading about the "NEW" wonderful product confirms my take on MS , including this Windows Crap following Windows XP, confirms my thoughts .... Software Incompetent developers ... MR. Gates at the helm ...



    I still use XP and FS9 because I was and still not being willing to DEBUG for a second time Gates SW Crap !!!





    g. kirschstein

  17. hi,


    I'm confused, do NOT understand what are you trying to do !!


    Just RECONFIGURE the Heli to FLY it as a Helicopter, IF it flies than see whether you can select the different Textures AND THAN create your files for AI !!




    G. Kirschstein


    P.S. I just peeked at it and the Heli does NOT fly at ALL !

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