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Posts posted by HoggyDog

  1. You have 19.12mb/s and you really need over 30mb/s for smooth operation. You can still fly, but the stutters are from data loads from a slow internet.


    i have only 10mbs and very smooth flight, you need to shut down a few online things like photogrammetry, live trafic.


    Thank you for all the responses. I shut down all the internet stuff (turns out FS20 has a single "internet kill switch" control) and flew for a bit with no more freezes.


    Also ensure that you have excluded the MSFS folder from your anti-virus and malware software.

    Still trying to figure out how to tell my anti-malware suite to ignore the FS20 folder- it always tells me when it blocks anything and gives me 10 seconds or so to respond to the popup "Yes, block it" or "No, I trust that" and it has not raised any issues about FS20, so I don't think it's Emsisoft causing my freezes. Also, since I plan to install addon aircraft, scenery, instruments and sound effects similar to the glorious FSX installation I had *sobs softly* I don't want my AV to ignore the FS20 folder as it fills up with 3rd-party and sometimes possibly sketchy software. But thank you for the suggestion anyway- I may yet need it!


    Thanks to all who replied, I'll mark it as "solved" for now.


    EDIT to update: I can find no way to mark this solved. On similar fora (Seven and Ten, for example), I would edit the OP and insert "[sOLVED]" in front of the headline, but editing the OP is not available and there is no "Mark as Solved" button. So I guess I have to send all the admins an email? :(

  2. Hi, the first question is.. how what is your actual internet speed?


    If you think the pauses are down to the weather updating

    Well, as you may have surmised, I just this month installed FS20 and only have about 3 hours of actual use, including only 15-20 minutes of C152 and TBM930 training flight, fighting grossly oversensitive controls - I dumbed down my joystick to 30% and it's still twitchy- the rest of the 3 hours being spent struggling to force the sim to even recognize my throttle+joystick and get a few basic flight controls configured. So it's not so much that I believe internet hiccups are the problem, I just can't think of any other reason a flight sim would rhythmically freeze up in mid-approach on a fully capable machine for no apparent reason.


    Just as a matter of principle, I do not want the complication (and privacy implications) of all the whiz-bang completely irrelevant doo-dads like up-to-the-minute real world wx and updating European city rush-hour ground traffic in real time while I'm trying to nail a visual approach into Toronto in an uber-sensitive almost unflyable TBM930. So being able to turn off ALL internet connection attempts by FS20 would be a major plus for me, whether or not it stops the freezups.


    simply try one of the preset weathers rather than live weather. You can do this before you start your flight (flight conditions, top right of the world map) or during a flight. click on the white bar/triangle near the top of the screen (which appears when you move the mouse) and click the weather option..then change it from live weather to..clear skies...few clouds...rainy....whatever.


    If you want to stop all internet activity... press escape during a flight & select the general options page..then click the Data tab (left of screen) you can turn off all online functionality.. or choose which ones to disable (including live weather)

    Wow, Steve, valuable info, I had no idea how to do that- FS20 is very different than FSX! Thank you for your help, which I will try to implement as soon as I get back into the sim. I'll post back here whether or not cutting the cord stops the freezups. :D



  3. My computer is relatively new (6 mo old, i7-10700K 3.8-5.1GHz, 32GB DDR4-2666 SDRAM, GTR-2060 Super, System and games on separate SSDs) and should be able to easily handle anything FS2020 could logically throw at it... My internet connection, on the other hand, is the same-old same-old.


    So how can I cut the cord? I suspect it's updating Paris and Brussels weather as I depart KBNA on a VFR-local flight or whatever. I neither want nor need updated European airport data, weather and city photogrammetry as I tool around the hills of Tennessee here in the colonies.


    How can I turn all of that sort of online stuff off to help me zero in on the cause of the regular inflight freezes? I tried taking Steam offline but that didn't help- I suspect Steam's offline status doesn't mean anything at all to MSFS2020. I tried searching for similar posts but didn't find any regular, recurring freezes like I'm getting, and most of the hits were about FSX. Thanks.

    • New Drivers installed tonight
    • X45 Calibration in Windows works fine
    • I'm able to map Saitek X45 stick & throttle controls to their corresponding flight functions in MSFS2020 Options > Controls
    • Once I launch a training flight, MSFS does not recognize any of the mappings, displays "Saitek X45" as the controller in use but with a generic, grayed-out picture and a huge question mark over it- none of the control mappings I did are showing up


    Please, does anyone have a clue why this is happening and how to fix it? Thanks.

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