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Posts posted by Dwaffler

  1. My first flight simulator like this was the subLogic one back in the middle 1980's. I also 'flew' many of the Microprose combat aircraft games back in the day. Although, nothing will beat my days in the US Navy when I got to fly the F-14 simulator at NAS (now MCAS) Miramar and the S-3 Viking simulator at NAS North Island, while I was getting qualified to be a engine turn qualified mechanic on those airplanes :)
  2. point.1= 1.000, 86.420, 0.000, -16.220, 1181.100, 0.000, 1.942, 60.000, 0.430, 2.500, 0.624, 10.500, 10.500, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000


    Adjust the 0.430 on this line, this is actually the nose landing gear, make is something like 1.000 or greater

  3. I'm not an ex-F14 RIO, but I was an ex-F-14 engine mechanic and did work on the 14 for 8 years. To get out of the backseat, you'd back your way out, using one leg to step on the little drop down step, then your other leg to step over to the top rung of the ladder next to the step. It was a bear to get in and out of the plane, for sure.


    BTW, I was stationed at Miramar when VF-111 painted this CAG bird up with the "Miss Molly" markings. Caught everyone's eye when it would taxi for takeoff and taxi back to Hangar 3 when she returned. A real beauty paint job for sure!!!!

  4. Sadly, there are going to be those that do that, no matter the sim. I haven't used MSFS myself, I'm sticking with my FSX because it's been very stable for me, and I'm still able to make changes and add planes. And I don't plan on going to it, because of the way I like to fly in FSX, mainly IFR, up above where the eagles fly!!! So, I don't need to see all the buildings and look for my house in the sim kind of thing.


    But, that doesn't mean that I'm going to bash MSFS. It is a work in progress, not like in the old days when you got a program, it was a complete program, with the occasional patch to fix issues as they pop up. I think I heard someone say that this is going to be a 20+ year project, which means alot of updates, patches, so on. It's not going to be for everyone, for sure.

  5. Doubt there's any scenery for these island, as they don't have any active airfields on them. Have to slew your way to the coordiantes of the islands to see if those even exist in FS. I know from doing research about old army airfields that Baker Islands had a 5000+ ft strip on it, but after the war, it was abandoned.


    Might even try that when I get home from work, I'm curious about this myself :)

  6. Well, looking into this further, I don't they are active anymore. I checked into one of the pilots that's listed as flown recently, and his last flight was 400 days ago. I used to be a part of them, but left for one reason or another, so I'm not sure. But, from their website, it doesn't look like it
  7. May have been a good landing, but the contact points for the engines might be off enough that when the plane touched down, it triggered the contact points, thus the fires on the engines. Used to see that sometimes when I flew on FS9 with the Posky planes too.
  8. Windows 11 has been working just fine for me. I think it's a little more stable than Windows 10 was, and aside for the minor differences between 10 and 11, I really like it so far. I have learned over the years to not put things where Windows wants to put them, such as Program Files, or even placing things in your personal profiles, mainly because of permission issues. And because of doing things that way, it has limited any permission issues I've had. And all my programs have run fine. Only issue I've had up to now with FSX:SE is that my QualityWings BAe-146 doesn't run on it. IN fact it crashes the sim whenever I select it. No other aircraft thus far has done that. But, not something that will frustrate me about the new setup, something I will work through, or around. I've been in IT over 25 years, and just another fun challenge for me to figure out!!!
  9. Upgraded my computer to Windows 11 last week and had alot of issues loading the box version. I ended up buying the Steam Version and it's working fine. Had some issues with ActiveSky connecting and running with the Steam version, but downloaded the beta patch for it and now it's working fine too. Some learning curves to get it working, but have finished 2 flights in it now, and it's working fine.
  10. When dealing with freeware aircraft, remember it's usually one person that's doing all the work to put something like this together. Chances are, freeware aircraft aren't going to be uber-detailed. If your looking for something like that, you might want to look at QualityWings for there 787. I'm sure they would have all the doors working that you're looking for.
  11. Best way I've found is to select certain points on the flight plan, find those coordinates, and then program them into the INS. You won't be flying the flight plan exactly, but looking for points that have a major turn in them will get you somewhere close to that flight plan from SimBrief. It would be pretty close to flying VOR to VOR, you just won't have all those waypoints in between
  12. If the wind at the airport was out of the southwest, then the ATC will select runway 24. If no wind, then it will select the runway that has ILS, so if Rwy 24 has ILS and Rwy 6 doesn't, chances are it will select 24 over 6. If neither of the above, it will send you to the nearest starting point, so it you are closer to 24 then 6, it will send you to 24. This is also a problem in other versions of Flight Simulation as well
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