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Posts posted by pomak249

  1. If you are using AAM to simply install aircraft and repaints you are better just doing it yourself. You say you have many aircraft addons surely most of these come with built in installers so why the need for AAM? If however you are using AAM to adjust settings in the .air files of addons this is most probably where your issues are coming from.

  2. So its listed as a scenery area in your scenery.cfg at  - LocalDrive (prob your C drive)/ProgramData/Microsoft/FSX? And when you delete the entry it still reports as missing when you restart FSX? That may indicate the scenery is still located somewhere in FSX. Have you trıed looking outside of the addon scenery folder? I think i recall this scenery installs in its own folder created in FSX. Have you looked insıde Scenery/World/scenery too? maybe theres some BGL stuff left in there?

  3. I have decided to stick with my trusty old FSX for now but I really appreciate all your comments guys, I just have too much invested in FSX to warrant the addition of XP11

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  4. Thanks for the input guys - as flytv1 says my rig just couldnt handle XP12 at the moment. I was gonna try the demo but I understand you cant adjust any settings with it which makes it pretty pointless really?

    I shall do a lot more research - I always believed the XP scenerey was superior to FSX out of the box but it appears I am wrong. Time to delve!!

    Cheers guys


  5. Just come across X-Plane 11 for sale at €29.99 and unsure whether to take the plunge and get it? Having always used FS2002 up to FSX would I notice any big improvements? The scenery is my biggest pull to it tbh is ıt worth it for that alone?

    I would need some more GB but the rest of my rig looks to be ok.

    Any thoughts?



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