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Posts posted by svpst

  1. I did that Mr. Zippy and still got the same Scenery Library as I had before. It shows all the ORBX stuff and the original things for FSX,but none of the over 200 other sceneries I have added. When you look at the "Scenery library" it shows a number of things I have added but zero from the add on file titled (scenery) which is where all these files sit. I hate to do another install, have already done about a hundred of those from the disk, from STEAM, been using the simulator since 1998 but this one has me stuffed and I don't know what caused it. I didn't do any system tweaking. Knitting might be the next option.
  2. Interestingly. I've had ORBX on my system and it has worked fine for at least 4 years. It's obvious that the scenery library is picking up the information from the ORBX libraries. The question is, why did it change over night? Where does the scenery library get its information. It's picking up ORBX not Addon scenery but how is it doing it? It's pointing in the wrong place. How do I alter where its pointing?
  3. Two days ago the "Addon Scenery" file in FSXSE and the" scenery library" were in agreement. Things were normal. Today, when I opened the "Scenery Library" folder all of the "addon Scener" files opened EXCEPT the "addon Scenery-scenery" file. I got everything else except what sits in the Addon Scenery Scenery file BUT I did get a bunch of ORBX scenery which does not appear in my "Addon Scenery" file. Where did I fall off the turnip truck?
  4. I have a 500g SSD which is pretty full at this time and mostly with FSX folder, files, programs, etc. Planes and scenery are on two separate drives. If I purchase the new program, 1) should I move all my FSX stuff to a backup drive and put the new stuff on my SSD? or 2) Should I install the New stuff on a separate Hard drive? Can afford a larger SSD right now. Ideas?
  5. I have been using ORBX for several years, have several programs, including ORBX Central. Never have had an issue until 8/23/20. Clicked on ORBX Centrol as normal. It opened, sent a message it was upgrading. It flashed on my screen and has never come back. I've tried everything I know to get it to open, nothing works. So I tried going to ORBX.com to get some help and that will not open either. My PC is working normally for all other things. Anyone have any ideas? Like I said, never had any issues before. In my program files it shows ORBX Central was updated 8/23/20. Clocking on the icon it flashes but that's it.
  6. I even wrote to Stough. the head guy and still heard nothing. None of my communications with them have been nasty. I've simply ask for an explanation of the problem. I bought the product, have the receipt, the license # the whole ball of wax and nothing. Anyone got any suggestions?
  7. Yes, Mr. Johnson I have tried that site. I've filled the form out completely and submitted it at least 6 times. Each time I've gotten the message "We have received and we'll be contacting you within 24 hours" But no one has contacted after any of the 6 times. If they need me to buy another copy, I won't be happy but I'll do it but I want it to install.
  8. Apparently, I have leprosy, or the coronavirus or something contagious. I tried to get the Flight1 free 182Tand downloaded the installer. It then says press the coupon/voucher button which I have been unable to locate on the entire website. Anyone know where to find it?


    On February 8, i purchased the Skyforce3 product direct from the REX Store. About 2 weeks later my Samsung 850 SSD went belly up including Skyforce. It took about 2 weeks before I got back to FSX and I sent REX an email asking if I could re-download the product. I got a message back saying someone would contact me in 24 hours. Since then I have sent the 7, yes 7, emails and they have responded every time with "we'll get back to you in 24 hours. Is it possible that simply now one is there, or what can I do to get their attention?

  9. Unfortunately, when I get to the Verify Integrity screen, it's blacked out. Ergo, I must assume, Steam is not able to recognize FSX-SE is even on my computer because it's sitting on the "D" drive and not my "C" drive where Steam is sitting. It's indicates I've played some 2550 hours in Flight Simulator but tells me I need to install it. This all began several years ago when my 500G SSD was filling up and I moved FSX-SE to my then "E" drive. It worked reasonably well but I had put the FSX-SE library on "E" but there were some files (I think it was Steam itself that went on my "C" drive, the one that went belly up in January.) So, since there is no record of FSX-SE on my C drive and it's new and pretty empty, I wodered if I could just install FSX-SE on the "C" drive and remove it completely from my "D" drive. The confusion about the drives has occurred because when I bought the new drive, the technician set it up without asking me about what drive should be what. Are we having fun yet?
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