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Posts posted by wigeburg

  1. I have enjoyably been using a CH yoke and pedals with FS2004 for years. I've put in an order for the Premium Deluxe version of FS2020. While I am looking forward to seeing all of the promised environmental improvements, I am not at all interested in flying 777s and such into some out of the way place in Southeast Asia - as realistic appearing as they may appear. Rather, I actually own and fly (and love!) a Cessna 150 and am looking forward to flying the 152 that will be available in this program around he States. My question to the Alpha and Beta testers among us: Will I still be able to use the CH equipment I have - or need I buy new stuff?



    Well I had the same problem with my CH Flightsim Yoke and work my ass out the past 3 days to assign the yoke but for me it want work!Wait until some had a solution for it!But i allready bought another JoyStick.

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