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Posts posted by gerrigerri

  1. StubbornSwiss I like that!


    I also purchased the Premium. I have only two problems. The TBM flies only 600 miles and I can't fly over FL320, the panel freezes nothing works but I can still land the aircraft. Seems to me that the Pitot is not programmed correctly. I've reported it three times now.


    The CJ4 is un-flyable for me. Its overspeed all the time and the panel is the poorest of all the included aircraft. I spend so much time controlling airspeed I don't have time to fly the aircraft. (55in HD monitor). I've had the opportunity to fly right seat in a CJ4 several times. It doesn't have an autothrottle or an overspeed problem.


    I get frustrated with MSFS at times but then I recall how bad FSX was at first.



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