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Posts posted by stephinder

  1. Can't say I'm too impressed by 2020. This seems more like a game company put it together to make a quick buck. No moving your head around anywhere in the cockpit, no three quarter view out front as you approach from an angle. I thought the graphics is what makes this so great. They don't look any better than the original FSX. We've lost thousands of airports. Once I get FSX back up and running I doubt I'll ever fly this again. I see nothing but limitations, whereas FSX is endlessly fluid (for free or low cost) and will never be used to its fullest capacity. Why didn't the Aces Team come up with their own and market it?


    I can't stop laughing!

  2. I read your post last night, felt your pain. Although I fly in SoCal on Pilot Edge, I haven't flown around L.A., not in this sim anyway. So I took the JF PA-28 out of LAX, touch & go at Burbank and back again, as low as 1,500 over downtown. I had only occasional minor stutters as I would expect anywhere, nothing like you describe. It was fun.

    I'm no expert but you are right to crank down some of your high settings: Terrain Level of Detail 100, Texture Super Sampling 4x4 or off, 16 GB Rolling Cache is enough they say, I'm using 32.

    Overkill has a couple of good tutorials on performance and in particular stuttering.

    He shows how to override Full Screen Optimizations, a big frame killer in games, he says, and High DPI Scaling in Windows 10. He doesn't tell you how to unlock those files though. I used an app called "Take Ownership". It was easy from there.

    I also recommend the RD Presets Guide. They explain the settings and how to maximize performance. As a bonus they show how to tweak the look of the sim with GeForce Experience Freestyle in overlay, like using a photo editor. For me that alone was worth the price of admission.

    I hope this helps.

  3. Close the sim. Go to Store / Gaming

    Click on the "..." field at the top right; select "Downloads and updates"

    From your game list: Select "MSFS 2020" by clicking on that field, highlighting it. Then click update.

    The download is about 1 GB. When you open the sim it will be ready to download and install the 7.52 GB patch. Ignore the "Connection lost" message that may pop up. Don't click OK.

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