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Posts posted by gigglesftw

  1. Okay, wall of JPEGs incoming. I did delete the 777 mod as that updated just the other day, and did not fix anything after the delete.


    I double checked everything, game is up to date, PMDG I always check before I load the sim. I guess I will just start deleting the addons that I have until I find something. I used to work for Activision, don't kill me, as a tester, so I got used to taking screenshots, lol.FLP_1.jpg



  2. For PMDG are you using the Navdata Center to update your nav data? its different than other traditional aircraft. Also in the PMDG documentation there is a detailed instruction on loading imported simbrief plans. In simbrief, you can specify where to download the flight plan to, saving you a step. I can help you more this afternoon after work if needed.


    Howdy! I use the simbrief installer and have the Navigraph premium subscription. I always make sure the PMDG boxes for fpn and wind is checked before I submit them and turn those off for any other plane.


    I should have thought of add-ons. I do run the Salty 747-8, and the 777-300er mod. I bought the 777 right after I bought the sim and didn't know how bad it was. The 777 did just post an update and I did download it.


    Pretty sure that is the problem, so I am going to delete that and give it a shot!

  3. I have been using simbrief to plan and export plans into msfs for quite a while. The other day, msfs decided not to recognize the plans. I can select a plan, and see the fp change at different points, but no waypoints are shown at those points, and nothing is listed just above the map other than the airport departure and arrival airports.


    When I load into the plane, the PMDG 737 won't even recognize the airport I am at, I get a Invalid Input error, even though I know I have the code correct. Example, KMSP, Minneapolis/St Paul, is not recognized. This does not change for any airport that I load into.


    When I load a default aircraft, such as the 747, again no waypoints, just departure and arrival airports. Under the Legs page on the FMC, all I see is the arrival airport listed with no heading or distance indicated and no magenta fp on the mfd.


    Basically, I have no flightplans whether I use the ingame map to plan or import from Simbrief. I did consider the game becoming corrupted and ran the repair tool and it didn't change anything. I verified the directory path and folder that Simbrief was loading the fps into as well as checking the folder itself and seeing the flightplans there. In-game, I can open the flightplans by pressing spacebar twice, but no matter which one I select, it simply will not load.


    I have looked to see if anyone else has had this happen and did not find anything, which is strange as there is no way that I am the only person in MSFS that this has happened to.


    Any ideas? Thank you in advance.

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