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P O Prune

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Posts posted by P O Prune

  1. Many thanks for your replies and comments. At the back of my mind something was telling me FS2004 was really good. I only stopped as Windows 10 would not support it and I could not use a yoke on my PC. I still have that PC with Windows XP installed, it has never been online as I kept it clean to store Pictures and family history documents. I'll give it another try. Best regards, Percy
  2. I only discovered MSFS2020 last month, immediately thought I can now carry on my pilot training under VFR after it was brought to a halt by Windows belligerent attitude to FS2004. Obviously I will need a state of the art PC to run MSFS2020, I don't think I need a top of the range job as I am 75 and only want to poodle about in light aircraft, I shan't be doing aerobatics or joining a display team. After lots of research I am seriously considering a Dell XPS the latest has Intel core i5-1265000K, Nvidia GTX 1650 super 4GB GDD R6 and 8GB Ram which I would think needs doubling. Does anybody think this a good idea? Also is 3 years Premium support for £122 good value for money? I have always found Dell equipment ultra reliable. Look forward to any comments.
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