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Posts posted by Grover2005

  1. Hi: I have recently gotten back into using P3d and I admit I am at a loss to find good quality scenery. Tried Orbx, but the budget doesn't stretch very far there! Can someone suggest a source of decent quality scenery that won't break the bank or end my marriage? Thanks a lot!

  2. Hello: Well, I finally have some time on my hands and would like to take the first steps in learning scenery design for MSFS. Nothing fancy, maybe starting with adding some simple elements to a local airport, etc. Is there a beginner, idiot proof, senior proof tutorial that would start me off at the very beginning and guide me through the very basics? I would be thrilled just to learn how to place a hangar at an airport! Thanks for the assistance!
  3. Hello: Well, I finally have some time on my hands and would like to take the first steps in learning scenery design for MSFS. Nothing fancy, maybe starting with adding some simple elements to a local airport, etc. Is there a beginner, idiot proof, senior proof tutorial that would start me off at the very beginning and guide me through the very basics? I would be thrilled just to learn how to place a hangar at an airport! Thanks for the assistance!
  4. I am using a Thrustmaster Airbus joystick and I am continually fighting what I believe is called a "Dutch Roll", oscillating back and forth making it nearly impossible to line to a runway for landing. Seems to happen with every aircraft, some much worse than others, but it is always there. Have messed around with the sensitivity settings to the point at which I don't know what I am doing! Is there one particular sensitivity setting that should concern me more than others? A combination? I am aware that every setup is different, but I also know that this oscillation can be overcome. (I watch a lot of YouTube videos!) Thanks for your assistance.
  5. I was wondering if there is a way to create and save a flight in which several of my aircraft can be saved at the same time. In other words, I would like to create, let's say, a cargo area at an airport and includes some of my downloaded aircraft parked in that area permanently so they would appear whenever I fly into that airport. If not, this would sure be a great little program for someone to develop! Thanks for any assistance provided.
  6. Suddenly, my account at the MS Store has deleted all of my purchases, including my initial purchase of the Premium Deluxe Edition! I am logging into my MS Store account, but none (amounting to $100's of dollars) of my purchases are listed. Is there any way I should go about trying to restore my purchases in the store? I cannot even consider a complete re-install because the initial purchase isn't listed! Many thanks for any advice given!
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