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Posts posted by tlaw1011cox.net

  1. I too am sorry for your disappointment. And I get extremely frustrated with it too. But part of the problem for me has been my lack of understanding and being behind the power curve where I think I could be if I had good documentation. Even the Sofly eBook to me doesn't cover enough to get a person up and running. I suspect that much of the frustration is because Microsoft has not really done much besides putting their name on it and the software is being updated and fixed by Asobo and Aerosoft and other third-party providers. This way of handling issues means that they will always be behind the issues, and they are going to focus on the worst issues for the majority of the users. So, bottom line is if we are going to continue to press on with this then we are left with others that are more capable (read experienced) than ourselves and YouTubers that are willing to share their expertise.
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