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Posts posted by DavidBoyd

  1. I installed FS2020 to an external USB 3.0 SSD. That worked. Then my computer died, and I replaced it with one that had a 1 TB (insternal) SSD. After much struggling, I managed to re-install it there from MS Store, which in the end worked better than using the 10 DVDs!

    Before my previous computer crashed, I saved a few flights. There is a User directory on the external SSD, but the other directory don't match what you gave. Obviously anything that might have been saved in C:\Users... is gone. But I was hoping the flights might have been saved on the SSD. However, the question remains: where?

    This is what I've got: G:\Users\dboyd\AppData\Local\MSFSPackages and then there is a Community and Official directory in there. The community directory is empty. The official directory has a OneStory directory with many subdirectories. None of the names look like the flights I saved. The dates are all 13-10-2020 or 25-10-2020; the dboyd directory is dated: 16-9-2020, which I am guessing is when I installed FS2020 on the SSD.


    If I can find the saved flights, can I just copy and paste that file or directory to the new computers directory?


    Any thoughts?



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