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Posts posted by eggeater

  1. You'll have to the same thing with BOTH b707_b1_t.bmp (nose) and b707_b2_t.bmp (tail), or there will a very noticable difference indeed.


    The result will become brighter, that's true.

    Less coloured, I dunno. A matter of taste I guess?




    While I did do both of those files, I believe the best way to show you is by actually showing you20210317203134_1.jpg20210317203150_1.jpg I'll try with an older FS9 alpha that I know works in FSX.

  2. Almost there.

    In DXTBMP make sure everything in the Mipmaps settings is unchecked as shown.




    The alpha layer should be entirely WHITE, except for some windows (as shown above).

    Also remember, if you transfer from a DDS in stead of a BMP, you have to flip it before saving.

    Safest is to export/import from a BMP.




    I tried swapping the alphas, this removed the non-HD problem, partially. The tail section, (not the tail itself just the rear end) is much brighter and less coloured. I've been swapping alphas, and I might try to take another FS9 texture that I have that works on FSX's alphas and see if they work.

  3. Think I found it.

    "707 Travolta Qantas by Ed Knapp" for CS Legandary 707 [FS9].




    Could reproduce the translucent gear bay doors and solved it by replacing the alpha layer in b707_b1_t.bmp and b707_b2_t.bmp.


    With DXTBMP open the above files from a working texture folder.

    Export their alpha layers to somewhere you can find them (eg desktop).


    Then open the same files in the faulty texture folder with DXTBMP, import the previously saved alpha layers and save as BMP DXT3.










    IMO the purpose and use of the alpha layer has changed from FS9 to FSX.




    This actually did work for me, unfortunately, it has had the adverse effect of turning the texture from HD to low-quality and blurry. I may try to see if other alpha's work, as I used the CS Qantas 707 that came with the 707.

  4. Not the correct link. This is a blue-striped/white tail aircraft. Nothing red as in yr pics.






    Oh, it was on the same area, so I may have clicked the wrong one. https://library.avsim.net/search.php?SearchTerm=travolta&CatID=root&Go=Search It was the top one I clicked, so something may have gone wrong.


    Edit because I ended up realising it was the wrong site. Right click the download button and click open in new tab because it won't download just by clicking: https://www.captainsim.com/cgi-bin/products.pl?action=showliveries

  5. a) in the FS9 texture folder, retain ONLY the below texture files (BMP, or DDS if you decided to convert them)




    b) add a texture.cfg, with following contents:






    90% of the textures are non-translucent. The only ones that don't seem to work are the wheel doors, and the rear cargo door, as well as a small part of the rear fuselage. I realised I accidentally excluded 2 textures, so I'll reinsert them to see if that solves the problem.

  6. So I tried to install an old FS9 texture for the CS 707 on fsx. I managed to get it half-working, VC is there, the fuselage is properly textured, but for some strange reason, the back cargo door, and wheel doors and translucent. I'll get a screenshot to show you what I mean. Anyone else encountered this bug? I can go into depth of what I did to make the texture get to where it is.
  7. +1


    Sound= doesn't matter for the selection screen, but if it points to an invalid entry, you'll have no sound of course.

    The best and easiest way is to check for differences between the [fltsim.x]-sections that show in the selection and the ones that don't.




    I've been installing them as guided. I recently noticed some left those fields empty, only giving the title and texture, I noticed this a few days ago, and added the right model= and sound=, and it still did nothing. Then I tried to place a stock texture.cfg file as was instructed, and still nothing. I know that installing these can work, as I managed to get a few into my library, and 2 actually working. I'll tinker with the .cfg files and see if I can get them working, I'll probably start by getting a few that have appeared in my library that don't work to get them.

  8. I've been trying to get several extra liveries for the 747-200/300 from cls, and I always install them correctly, as instructed. Yet somehow they don't show up in my library when I search for it. I haven't figured out why, only a few have actually shown up, the rest have simply vanished. There are at least 10 textures that just are gone. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong if anything? Any help would be appreciated. :)
  9. I've been experiencing some strange issues with the Captain Sim 707. It's oddly specific on how to cause it too, whenever I'm using the Saha Air texture (Any of them), and it can be summoned with an almost guarantee if I fly in Mehrabad airport, in Tehran. No other textures do this, only the custom installation ones do, but it's rare on the others, only the Saha air is almost guaranteed to do so. The bug itself is within the cockpit, where there is what I can only describe as being a teleporting black rectangle or square, it somehow doubles as both a model and texture, as it appears when no textures had loaded yet, but when the textures do, they become black. Thank you for any help. :)


    I'll try and add an image soon.

  10. Upscaling will NOT improve the texture. You need to replace the texture with a higher resolution.

    Suggest you ask for what you need in the FSX forum...


    Surprisingly, I have actually found a higher quality texture. It was on a Facebook page. I tried messing around with an old FS2004 texture, but I could only get it to partially work. But thanks for your reply anyway. :) The help is appreciated.

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