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Posts posted by worldsfair65

  1. So I recently changed my equipment for FSX Windows 10 from Saitek X52 Joystick and Throttle to Honeycomb Yoke and Throttle Quadrant. However I have an issue I can't resolve. When I advance the throttles, propeller levers and mixture levers all the levers advance completely on the throttle quadrant but do not advance completely in the aircraft itself. The result of course is there is limited power for the aircraft to takeoff so I'm having to advance the levers in the aircraft with the mouse to completely power up. Can anyone tell me how to correct this so both throttle quadrant and aircraft both advance completely?
  2. It appears this is a subject that has been much talked about, however I cannot find a satisfactory answer to my issue. I have been using Saitec X52 Joystick and throttle until my recent purchase and install of the Honeycomb Yoke and Throttle Quadrant. Here is the issue, settings for throttle does not work on the Aerosoft Airbus X Extended as it had on the Saitec product. But the throttle settings do work on all other Airbus aircraft just not the Aerosoft product. Any ideas on if and how this can be fixed? :(
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