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Posts posted by Patinthedesert

  1. I took a look into the discussion forums on Steam for MSFS. Which was a mistake as there is a lot of confusion and ranting there. Which I will spare all of you by not sharing. But one item came out of a discussion on the pricing of MSFS. It there a Game fo the Year edition of MSFS? For possibly a slightly reduced price? And it might have some new content?

    I will stick to coming here for questions and talking to the experts. I promise!

  2. Good to see there is another new 'pilot' to enjoy the world of flight simming. You will find it is a big and complicated software product. And you will not master it in one day or even one week. Your PC specs are more than adequate to run MSFS.

    You might find it valuable to take the flying lessons which are built into the Activities section of the start-up menu. It will give any new pilot a way to build up their ability to control their virtual airplane. And make friends with the Cessna 172. And since I live in Arizona and have been there, I like flying around the Sedona airport on that dramatic mesa above the town.

  3. IT sounds like you are looking for the external or chase-plane view. I do not know the keyboard setting for that. But on the XBOX controller (what I use on my PC) it is mapped to the left-most of the 3 buttons on top of the controller. It gives the view from behind the plane and also gives a heads-up display of the critical gauges like speed altitude, climb settings etc. It is one of the most critical and helpful views on MSFS.
  4. As I recall, there were some copyright and permissions with using the real airlines. Not sure of all the details. Perhaps they did not want to see screenshots/videos of planes with their names on it crashing into something. In any case even the skins for planes available in flightsim.to have few that have the major airline names or liveries on the commercial jets.
  5. The options available in the system when planning a flight from the World Map screen are to start at the end of the runway with engines running, or to start at a gate or parking spot with the plane cold and dark. I don't see any other choices. However there is a keyboard shortcut to start engines without going thru the startup procedures. I believe it is Control-E. This might get you what you want.
  6. I did the update, at least the first 2 parts of it. It did the Steam update automatically. And then started MSFS and it found and started the update there. It was 2+ GB. After that completed and it was running, I went to the Content Manager and did not see any new pieces to download. Is that what I should be seeing. I did go in and do a flight, but did not see much of anything that was new.

    One thing I did notice. In the World view for planning a flight, a new tag was added to one or two airports. When clicked these showed where payware addons could be used.

  7. When I am using it, the hanger only shows one aircraft at a time, the one that was flown most recently. To switch planes, I will be on the World Map, where you plan the takeoff and landing airports. In the upper left corner is a box that will show the current aircraft. Click on that box and it will open up a panel with all the available aircraft and paint schemes available. It should be in there, along with all the planes that came with the version of MSFS that you installed.
  8. Glad to hear that you are making progress, Whizzer. My setup for flying is more modest than yours but I enjoy it as well. Have you used the built-in lessons in MSFS? I used them when I got started on MSFS even though i had other experience in sim flying. I found them to be very good at going thru the basics up to doing the solo flight and the cross-country navigation. I did not like that Cessna 152 at first but learned to climb and descend smoothly (most of the time) and make a 90-degree turn without losing altitude. I had to go around in the flight pattern quite a few times until I got the altitudes and turn points correct.



  9. Okay--figured it out and it was based on my own stupidity!!


    I assumed the web server started automatically when LNM was opened---it DOES NOT! It has to be manually started in settings and when I finally found a reference to that, everything worked!! Amazing what happens when you do things right!!

    Can you explain what you mean by the web server. I have used LNM, in the way that TTM describes - to start it first outside of MSFS and alt-tab between them. Curious to know if there is a smoother way to do it.

  10. And after being inspired by the RFDS show I went into MSFS and trying to fly the King Air 350, which is a standard airplane in the base version of MSFS. When I tried flying it when new to MSFS it was too much airplane and I did not fly it well. Now I have figured how to get the Auto-pilot to behave and get it trimmed up properly when not on the AP. After making a couple of safe flights (and landings!) I will be trying it some more. Maybe in Australia like the show.



  11. Just to let fellow sim pilots know. A new TV series on the air. Called RFDS or Royal Flying Doctor Service. Takes place in Australia, where in the rugged outback, the medical emergency people can fly to remote locations. You can decide whether you like the human drama in the shows but it features nice shots of Beech King Airs flying around and rugged Australian scenery.

    I believe it is available on PBS. I see it with a subscription to PBS Masterpiece on Amazon Prime.

  12. To Nwanerka; How many setups do you have? I see the first set of pictures with a large screen as a monitor. Plus flight controls hardware. Then a second group of photos with a 3 monitor screens and flight control hardware. I am not Dear Abby nor do I try to be. But maybe focus on one primary setup and help keep the expenses down.

    That first setup looks complete to me. But I have fun flying without any of the panels or switches or rudder pedals.

  13. Good video. I watched it to where you landed it at Watsonville. Well explained and documented. You have to get a lot of info to get all the waypoints, procedures, Stars and all.

    I am usually flying in less busy airspaces and have not learned all the higher functions that are available. But I now do have a better understanding of the G1000 NXi and how to enter the flightplan into it and then get the NAV engaged properly.

    One tip I appreciated - how to enter the airport codes from the keyboard instead of the mouse turning the knob on the instrument panel. Much easier.



  14. You are correct, that is how the legacy G1000 functions in the sim, which is not true to life. The G1000 NXi is developed by Working Title team, which are contracted by MS and is part of MS/Asobo. Ultimately the NXi would replace the legacy G1000 in the sim. Friendly suggestion, try to master the NXi. Also, all development work on the NXi would migrate at a later stage to the other Garmin avionics in the sim.

    I have now tested with the NXi. Yes it does capture and switch to NAV when your plane approaches the planned flight path. So it works just as you stated. I understand that this also occurs with the more sophisticated functions for RNAV and VNAV. I don't yet know the details of setting up flight plans that take advantage. I'm usually happy to fly to a destination airport, fly a decent pattern and land without bouncing or crashing.



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