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Posts posted by Flypops

  1. Ever since the 10 Deg. Heading bug fix my Increment/Decrement acceleration is actually working in reverse. At first I thought it simply wasn't working, which is a problem into itself, but it's actually worse than that. It works, but in inverse proportion to how it should. I'll explain.


    Since the fix, when using either the Hdg. or Alt. along with the Incr/Decr knob, one click = either 1 deg. Hdg. or 100' Alt. as it should depending on your selector position. But if I spin the knob quickly there is supposed to be an acceleration effect that kicks in so that after some fast spins the Hdg., and or Alt. bugs should increase in proportion so no longer one to one but maybe 5 or 10 to one or whatever, but based on the quickness of rotation on the knob. When I rotate the knob quickly the bugs actually lose incremental or decremental impact and not only do they not increase/decrease but I actually lose the 1 to 1 ratio and it's more like a bunch of clicks on the knob to achieve just a few degrees or few hundred feet.


    Anybody using the Bravo TQ experiencing this phenomenon or does yours work as it should? As it is it's taken a big part of the joy out of using the Bravo and I've had to go back to using the mouse in the virtual cockpit for both Heading and Alt. settings.


    Any comments greatly appreciated.

  2. For whatever reason, as of this morning I've been unable to complete a flight in my go-to a/c the TBM930. Every flight I attempt ends fairly quickly after engaging AP. I've flown many of these routes multiple times so it's not something I'm unfamiliar with. I even tried removing the WT G3000 mod to see if that was the cause but the default G3000 Nav system resulted in exactly the same thing.


    I take off, follow the runway heading for a short time while climbing to assigned altitude, then engage A/P first on HDG mode (as I usually do to get some distance from the airport) then switch over to NAV mode and it will begin tracking correctly and then within several seconds to maybe a minute into the flight the plane seems to disengage AP and starts to change heading (even though the magenta line remains on course) and then begin a fast downward spiral and crash.


    I've been flying this plane almost exclusively for the past couple of weeks and it's been a joy to fly with very few issues and now, overnight I can't fly it. Nothing in my system has changed. It's another head-scratcher as to WTF goes on inside this sim. :confused:


    Noctua are considered top of the line air coolers but they are very big. I don't see the dimensional specs on the link you showed but you should make sure that cooler will fit in your case.


    Also, all PC case fans flow the direction towards the grill. In other words the grill should be facing inboard for intake and outboard for exhaust.

  4. I have the same CPU but it's water cooled. My temps run in the mid 20's idle and the top end temp on the hardest working core in MSFS (seems to be core 4) has yet to hit 80c as reported on Core Temp.


    When I'm monitoring the temps during a sim session I rarely see them even in the 60's. That's with ambient temps 20-24 C (high 60's mid 70's F). Right now as I'm typing this I don't have a single core over 29 C.


    My system case has a ton of fans though. It came with 5. One for the PS which is an intake on the bottom of the case, two intakes on the front and two exhaust on the top which are attached to the radiator. I added two more, one more intake on the front and a rear exhaust. That actually took the temps down another 4-5 C, plus brought the GPU temps down as well.


    The CPU and GPU may be rated for much higher temps but the cooler you can keep all the components the more stable they will run and with improved longevity too.

  5. After the last update my toolbar has disappeared. I can still access the ATC with N and the map with V etc but no full toolbar.

    Other than doing a complete reinstall does anyone have a solution.

    I can wait until the next update which may fix the problem or it may not look for corrupted files to replace them. Probably only DL new files.

    A file checker would be good if not already available somewhere




    I had this same problem but simply shutting down my computer and doing a restart fixed it. I've since loaded MSFS several times and no issues with the toolbar.

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