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Posts posted by karlafs

  1. I got GaugeBook to work on a remote PC with MSFS 2020. How to -


    1) With Notepad, open simconnect.xml in -

    C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache

    2) Just below -

    SimConnect Server Configuration


    3) Add the following lines -

    Global IP Port




    your MSFS PC IP address, eg.>





    4) Double-click on the 'gaugebook.bat' file in the GaugeBook folder installed on your remote PC

    5) Enter your MSFS PC IP and port 7421


    You now have an extremely useful gauge panel to suit your aircraft. There are work-round ways to hide the existing 3D panels until Microsoft gives us this facility.


    Again, thanks to Michael Nagler for GaugeBook and Dutch for his xml settings.

  2. Over 10 years ago Michael Nagler was developing and abandoned ‘GaugeBook’ version 0.7 which utilised SimConnect to display different sets of gauges on a separate PC. It’s really quite good - and it will cost you nothing to look at (thanks Michael). There are 12 varieties of gauge panels, including C172 and BE58 - and there’s a Garmin 1000. All the gauges are editable and so customised gauge panels can be made. As well as gauges a large number of switches can control comms, lights and so on. There’s chart and navdata functions waiting to be commisioned also; quite a package for nowt!


    I’ve briefly checked it with MSFS2020 and - it works! I ran it on the same PC as the sim but, after several hours of trialling I haven’t yet managed to link the MSFS PC and a laptop running GaugeBook.


    Anyway here’s the details:


    DOWNLOAD - https://sourceforge.net/projects/gaugebook/


    INSTALL - on your client PC. It needs the Java Runtime Environment to run.


    PORT - check the SimConnect port number in the simconnect.xml. The Static IPv4 port 500 was the only one that worked for me.


    OPERATION - start MSFS2020 and get ready for a flight, click on the ‘gaugebook.bat’ file, set the IP address of your host PC running MSFS2020, port number and your preferences and Connect. To reset GaugeBook, go into the ‘cfg’ folder and delete the ‘GaugeBook.properties’ file which will be re-built after the next startup.


    I posted similar on the MSFS Forum hoping for a knowledgeable response; I'm hoping someone here could fix it for us.

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