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Posts posted by BenedicteHartono

  1. Hi Eduardo,


    I'm pleased you have an interest in the Defaultimate 737.


    The installation is a manual process as I didn't employ an auto installer. As such it requires that you copy required folders and files very accurately.


    The steps to be followed are described on page 5 of the manual included with the download package.


    **Please be sure to back up your original B737_800 folder before trying to install**


    Based on what you've described, perhaps you could try to ensure that:


    1) The fx_vclightha.fx file in the download effects folder has been copied to your FSX\effects folder

    2) The SwitchState folders were copied over into the B737-800/panel folder

    3) The panel.cfg file has been copied into your B737-800/panel folder


    If this doesn't resolve your issues, feel free to email me at the email address included in the download documentation for further assistance.


    Good luck!


    Trent Bennett

    CEO - Wheelie Bin Studios


    Can we use this with the Alejandro VC or u must dlt the Alejandro one?

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