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Posts posted by PilotPeter6834

  1. I have the DVD version of MSFS in the UK and performed the mandatory patch this afternoon. The download was flawless on my 50 mbps connection and took about 45 minutes. No question performance has improved. Frame rate is a bit better, especially over a major airport like LHR, but the really big plus is that the horrible stutters when the sim loads new scenery have disappeared.

    Biggest downer so far is that, as others have reported, it’s no longer possible to adjust controller sensitivity. However, I seem to have been lucky in one respect. The sim has preserved my previous sensitivity settings so my planes are perfectly flyable for the time being. I note that MS now have the sensitivity problem on their list of Known Issues.

    (CPU Intel 17-9700F, 32 Gbs RAM, Nvidia 2080ti, 27-inch monitor 1440.)

  2. Thanks - but joystick carefully and repeatedly calibrated. Tried unplugging and restoring the stick as you suggest, but no joy. Rolling left still happens if I leave the joystick unplugged and fly by keyboard. I began to suspect a bug in the software, but you seem to be saying you can now fly the 152 perfectly straight. Is that correct?

    One or two posts on another forum suggest the rolling left is a realistic phenomenon caused by propeller torque, but I find it hard to believe that's true when I find myself 90 degrees off heading in under a minute!

  3. I'm trying to start with the basics on MSFS 2020 - achieving straight and level flight on the Cessna 152 - and I'm finding it impossible.

    I can get the elevator trim right eventually (though it's hit and miss as the controls are so sensitive), but soon after take-off and for the rest of any flight, the plane steadily rolls to the left. Uncorrected, it drifts 90 degrees off heading in under a minute. The same thing happens on the Cessna 172 (analogue panel) though it drifts off course slightly more slowly.

    I've carefully calibrated by Thrustmaster TCA Airbus joystick. I've made sure the aileron controls are not also bound to the keyboard. I simply can't find a way of getting the plane properly trimmed out..

    Three questions:

    1) Are others experiencing the same problem? (YouTubers making demo videos, like Squirrel, don't seem to be afflicted at all)

    2) Do we think this is a bug - or is the problem buried away in the settings somewhere?

    3) Has anyone found a workaround?

    Seems such a pity something so basic is ruining this wonderful simulator for me!

  4. I want to edit a couple of planes in MSFS 2020 for trim control sensitivity.

    I am trying to find the flight-model.cfg files. Various posts in the forum say the relevant flight_model.cfg files should be here in Windows File Explorer: \AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Official\OneStore\asobo-aircraft-bonanza-g36\SimObjects\Airplanes

    My problem is that I can navigate in File Explorer as far as \LocalCache, but the folder \Packages\ is not visible in the LocalCache folder so I cannot find the rest: \Packages\Official\OneStore\asobo-aircraft-bonanza-g36\SimObjects\Airplanes

    File Explorer on my syhstem is alreday set to Show Hidden Folders.

    Any advice?

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