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Posts posted by 2160Z

  1. I think 2020 is under rated for how good the IFR side is. Sure the gps functions and automation are way behind, but gps is not all of IFR and you can always print off approach plates and maps. The biggest advantage in 2020 for IFR is the cloud subtlety and the real wx feature which provides unknowns when transitioning from instruments to visual and back.


    In FSX to get complete soup you had to set clouds to 10/10 and set the elevations and distance. If you set the lower limit to minimums or near with 8/10 below it, you always popped out with the runway in sight. In 2020, you can randomly pick a start and finish airport, not check the wx and see what happens in flight (yes, totally opposite of real flight). It is the ambiguous aspect of wx that makes it interesting.


    The fact that the clouds have so many variations makes it much more a decision game of trying to sneak over a pass while seeing the cliff off your right side versus turning around or "illegally" carrying on in ifr and avoiding terrain.


    Also as Herc says, it is fun to have a mission. Cargo type doesn't matter as long as it stays strapped down and the CG doesn't move!

  2. I like running mountain passes in real world weather with the Xcub. I get to do trips in wx I would never consider in real life. Even though the Xcub is not an IFR aircraft, I find the little Garmin very easy to fly in and out of airports with no procedure in appalling conditions and mountains all around. On two occasions I have touched down after doing a go around since I couldn't see the runway at 100 feet using the live map. On each second try I just kept following the map screen and touched down seeing the runway only in flare.


    When I first started flying with the glass cockpit I hated the thing. Then I started learning it and pushing limits. It gives much better situational awareness than the gauges alone in IFR. While I don't intend to fly Aspen to Crusted Butt with clouds under 13k for real, it is immensely enjoyable to do that in the sim.

  3. Thanks for the heads up on this!! Great helo and better than the helo's from FSX. Real tail rotor input required with collective input. My first auto was pretty rough but didn't register as a crash! Landed in tower of London but clipped the fenestron on climb out.


    Power of this aircraft seems a bit gutless though. Early days though and a good year before I thought I would get to fling wing in 2020!

  4. I am in the same boat with poor rural internet and have been from the beginning. Long downloads are a thing and just need to be planned around. Keep aware of when updates are happening and let the software download when you don't plan on flying otherwise you will be stuck downloading mandatory updates when you want to fly.


    initially I was downloading large tracts to fly over to reduce internet requirements. See this thread: https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?326375-FSXX-runs-well-with-substandard-internet-speed


    With the latest update I had to delete all my 10gb of prestored areas. I have not reloaded them yet. I do get bandwidth warnings and have to go in at the beginning of each flight and recheck photogrametry (SIC).


    Don't let this put you off. The scenery is stunning. The latest wx updates are very near to looking out the window accurate. The ability to run local sim flights in actual wx conditions allows me to push limits I would never consider in real life. Taking off in less than 1 mile vis with 200 foot ceiling in pouring rain and being rewarded with sunshine on top and towering cumulus all around is excellent!


    Is there a cure for this?


    can anyone else confirm this ?


    I can confirm that when the mouse moves into a different monitor window (like where the G3X has been relocated), the aircraft behaves as if all flight control inputs are removed. If the aircraft is trimmed properly, it will carry on more or less ok for a few seconds to a minute or more (depends on how well trimmed and how bumpy the ride). Autopilot will keep everything running well since it has active control and is my primary use for AP, to actively control the aircraft while I operate the nav and coms.

  6. After the thread got locked about buy now or wait I thought I would add another update. Buy now but get a decent machine for the task. I am running a 4K 42" monitor with 2070 ti that is generally running at 75 to 90%


    My router took a lightning strike a few weeks ago. After the line was upgraded and the new router installed, I am now getting between 3.8 and 4.3 megs per second. When running from a pre downloaded densely populated areas like Los Angeles in a low slow airplane, it starts bumping against the download limits for keeping up with the scenery. It still runs in online mode if you ignore the run offline request.


    When running from an area that has no prior downloaded scenery but is less populated, the slower internet is able to keep up. The latest update to US had a noticeable improved effect on the elevation and photo overlay in some areas I fly.


    The Longitude is now a joy to fly and I started to venture into the A320 but have a problem with landing in the last 60 feet. Mainly pitch and sink rate need to be better controlled by me as the sim is working fine.

  7. Ok, I am having trouble getting the Longitude greased in. I get it down but it's ugly. I don't have any real world turbine time but it seems to like between 125 and 145 and very flat.


    Is there anyway to put the camera on a hot key to pop back and forth from a showcase view preset to cockpit? It would be handy to move the drone view into position and automatically record from the xbox recorder while hitting a button on the joystick or throttle to change views.

  8. Plainsman, two questions please: What is your pitch angle and speed for landing the Longitude? How did you take a picture at landing flare without crashing? I would like to get a recording of some landings from a ground perspective but can't seem to record outside the cockpit and control the aircraft at the same time. Cheers!
  9. Just an update for those that have slow internet and are using manual cache.


    My cache is 600gigs and when I hit view, it takes about 4 minutes to get to the next screen which says wait for cache to update. It then takes about 25 minutes for the update to occur. I downloaded most of Denver area in medium with parts of Jeffco and the north airports in high. I did low res out to vail pass. This took about 8 hours and I am going in for high res around loveland to vail pass estimated at 4 hours.


    It runs offline in the areas with high res in very good detail. I am enjoying putting the fully loaded Xcub (https://www.bushleaguelegends.com/addons/msfs/msfs-mods 1.71 and the GX3 mods) through high altitude runways.


    Dont let poor internet stop you from enjoying the best VFR flight sim ever!

  10. No. MSFS doesn’t even use let’s say such deliberately out of focus clouds as you suggest because it also uses sharp/defined clouds. The clouds closer to the aircraft from what I recall were out of focus but the clouds in the distance are not. These are all the same types of clouds and should all be represented the same but they are not. That’s because it’s a flaw.


    Ok, I accept those flaws and view them as minor. I view actual clouds often from various perspectives of below, through and above and find the simulated ones to be very believable. There are plenty of minor flaws in the sim at the moment that are being worked through and I am very happy it was released early so I can enjoy a 95% perfect simulator rather than wait 2 years for more perfect.

  11. You don’t need to understand a single thing about clouds, you just need to have the ability to see an out of focus image. The images of clouds in the game are wrong, out of focus, 100% certainty!


    You may be completely correct photographically. However for me in the sim, the cloud forms and visibility from inside out is more important.


    I did a sim flight earlier with real world wx that was probably 99% cover from about 6k to 13k. During the flight there was one glimpse at the mountain valley below that was stunning. The way the clouds enveloped on the way up, the brief glimpse at the ground and the way the clouds looked on top was staggering.


    Perhaps the focus softness is necessary to give the feel of fading in and out of the clouds. All engineering is a compromise and I would rather have the clouds "feel" right inside them than have a crisp, "I can see, I can't see", set of photographically accurate clouds.

  12. While awaiting for FS to release, I built a decent computer and got two SSD drives. My internet speed is 3 to 3.5 mbps and that is as good as it gets for the immediate future out in the booonies where I live. All settings are maxed ultra and the monitor is 4k 42".


    It took weeks to get the first download complete and two installs but now the updates are fairly stable at one gig per hour.


    I set up a rolling cache of .4 tb and pre download areas that I start flights from. I may end up with less cache and more pre download but this works for now. If you get a slow connection speed warning, you must go back into settings and re set to online mode or it will run offline with poor resolution. By starting in an area where you have pre downloaded, using a cache, running slower planes (up to 150 k so far), I am getting excellent results. There are times when the overlay is "chunky" but it works.


    My opinion is that this is way better than FSX ever was even with the bugs. I am looking forward to the updates and bug fixes as well as a pure offline mode from memory. However, don't hold back getting this sim due to slow internet worries or waiting till all bugs are fixed.

  13. Give up! I have been trying to download the software for two weeks. Lost over 50 gigs with a fresh install after the new patch. Still getting looping files but making progress. I am almost desperate enough to go into town, knock on a random door and say, " hey buddy, i'll give ya 50 bucks for a hit off your fiber line"!


    On the new install the file did get named MF Flight Sim. Misspelled or Freudian slip?


    I am looking forward to the set up when I finally get it running.

  14. Sadly, I am one of the few who has poor download speed 3mbs and have spent a week trying to get a download. I get looping on files and a variety of issues. This is on a new machine bought for this sim with ample specs. At this point I am waiting for the fix to come out next week and the probable reality that I will have to dump 50 gigs of hard won download.


    I am not complaining, just giving an accurate low end download speed. I did get two ssd's, one for the programs 500 gig and one for cacheing heavy used areas (1000 gig).


    I have used fs since the early 80's and even used it to help practice cross wind landings when I got my PPL. This looks to be the best yet and worth waiting for when the bugs are fixed.

  15. Well, really it comes down to personal preference. If you want the absolute fastest chip, get the 10th gen Intel as it is faster. However the technology in Ryzen is better, while not quite as fast. There is also PCIe 4.0 with Ryzen while Intel has just refined its technology without any serious improvements, only clock speed.


    If I were you I would go AMD. You get more for your money and the tech is the best you can get right now. I have an all AMD rig and am glad I bought the parts I did.


    Thanks for that comment! I just pushed the button on a new rig for XX with AMD 3700x and a RTX 2080ti and two SSD since my internet speed will be my bottleneck.

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