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Posts posted by shuhdonk

  1. Sorry, I stopped reading halfway through. Cause I already had my answer ready. (and because it's too hot today:cool: ) - Here goes:


    Buy a flight sim game first and install it. Fly. Learn how to fly, and how the software works. Learn what you like about the game and what you don't. For example what plane you like. Etc. But also what visuals. Learn what hardware is best for your preferred use.

    Then start comparing hardware options to build the sim with.

    Don't start by spending a fortune on hardware for a sim you may not even like.

    (Patience young Keiki... Good things come to those who wait.);)

    Happy Flights,:D:pilot:



    Sorry, I stopped reading halfway through. Cause I already had my answer ready. (and because it's too hot today:cool: ) - Here goes:


    Buy a flight sim game first and install it. Fly. Learn how to fly, and how the software works. Learn what you like about the game and what you don't. For example what plane you like. Etc. But also what visuals. Learn what hardware is best for your preferred use.

    Then start comparing hardware options to build the sim with.

    Don't start by spending a fortune on hardware for a sim you may not even like.

    (Patience young Keiki... Good things come to those who wait.);)

    Happy Flights,:D:pilot:



    Lol yeah, I always go overboard on my hobbies.. anything I get into I go to the extreme. Before posting this thread this is the stuff I already have and this is all the room I have to work with.. in the dingy basement as my wife would probably kick me in the nuts if I tried taking over the living room or something lol



  2. Hey all I am new to flight sims and am in the process of gathering/building a cockpit/setup. I already have my screens (3 49" 4k 120hz hdmi 2.1 screens), honeycomb yoke, crosswind pedals, a logitech switch panel, logitech flight radio panel, pair of thrustmaster T.16000 Hotas and throttle (purchased originally for star citizen), I also pre ordered the honeycomb throttle quandrant and I have a 12.9 inch and a 22 inch touchscreen lcd's that I can use in some form (air manager?). I am not exactly sure which direction I want to go with the cockpit.. i don't necessarily want it to be setup for one specific plane or type of plane. I kind of want it to be somewhat universal. I have never done any flight sim stuff at all but for years I wanted to try and build a nice setup. I used to be into sim racing (iracing) and had a very nice setup/hardware for that but lost interest the past few years so sold off all that hardware.


    I am looking for direction on what hardware/software is recommended that I need or should have, cockpit setup/design ideas etc. I obviously want to fly in msfs 2020 but have no idea what all it will support.. air manager, hardware/multi screen support wise etc (plus I have no idea how to setup/use any of that stuff.. but that is part of the fun, setting up and learning all this stuff).


    I am going to assume that eventually msfs 2020 will have lots of support, multi screen, air manager and whatever else is used out there right now for flight sims.. So I want to build a setup with that in mind. I look at some of the setups out there on youtube, many cessna replicated ones and I think they are pretty sweet and will I probably be starting out in a plane something like that to learn to fly and navigate the different sims out there but I don't want to be stuck to just flying one particular type of plane. So maybe a cockpit designed with the touchscreens/lcd screens to be used as instruments so they can be changed around depending on what you are flying? I would like as much physical controls as possible but as far as gauges/gps stuff maybe screens are the best route to take?


    So those experienced flight simmers out there what do you recommend? Do you have any pictures/videos of more universal looking higher end setups I can look at to get ideas? I am still stuck on how to position my 3 screens.. Thinking maybe the typical bezel to bezel setup with side screens angled in a little bit.. and that brings up another question/problem.. its going to be tough to drive 3 4k screens (will probably have to scale res down) but ideally I would like multiple gpus (not in sli) and have side screens on one gpu and main on another or something.. don't even know if any flight sims out there support a configuration like that. Anyway enough rambling on.. thoughts?

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