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Posts posted by Paul5287

  1. Hey guys. How do you prepare for patches. Before installing patch do you empty the community folder? I was fine for the first patch left everything alone and everything worked. The patch that came out 2 weeks ago seemed to break everything and I have had more crashes to desktop then I ever had before. I spent more time trying to troubleshoot the sim then actually flying. Different people say different things. Some people don’t do anything, some people empty the community folder and some people uninstall and do a fresh reinstall. What’s the best way to go about this.
  2. Hey all, in the past I have played fs 2004 and fsx. Looking forward to 2020 coming out. I currently have an old built pc that I no longer use and I know isn’t capable of running 2020 as it barely runs fsx. I’m in the market of buying a gaming laptop with the sole purpose of playing the new flight sim. I have looked at the minimum and recommend specs but I am not knowledgeable with the specs and there meanings. I’m looking to be able to play the game and it be enjoyable but I’m not looking to spend $3000 on a gaming laptop. It’d be greatly appreciate if you guys share ur thoughts and maybe even share some links on what your suggestions are.
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