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Posts posted by terrylawdinn

  1. Assuming you're on PC go to the Windows Apps settings and then on Microsoft Flight Simulator go to Advanced Options (three dots at the end). In there you'll see a Reset heading with two options. The first is a Repair tool which looks for corrupt files etc. and clicking on it might solve your problem. However, as you're getting the "missing files" warning I suspect you'll need the Reset option which basically reinstalls the sim by looking for missing and corrupted files, the latter of which is usually the cause of download problems after an update.

    Hope that helps.

  2. It's really all to do with the graphic settings. The 3070 isn't the fastest GPU in the world but as long as you don't try to run everything at max you ought to be able to find a balance that works for you. People have got acceptable results on much lower specs and SU15 is supposed to have helped too. You also need a decent amount of RAM, 16GB is really the minimum.

  3. Two things. I've seen mention made of the Dune splash screens and someone apparently has got rid of/changed them. I hate them too so anybody got a clue?

    And secondly in the getting on for four years the only time I have ever re-installed the sim was when I upgraded my computer last year. So following on from this update should I be thinking about doing a complete refresh?

  4. You appear to have lost a large proportion of files, mine is more than 10 times that. You could try to repair it by going to Wndows Apps Manager, finding MSFS then click repair. But IMO you're going to need a full re-install - wouldn't be a bad idea anyway if you haven't used it for a while as there have been many updates. At least you'll get a "clean" installation.

  5. A possible solution to stuck downloads, probably a corrupted file - sometimes happens if your internet connection hiccups. You should see the files loading on the left of the loading bar and will likely see one file being "loaded" over and over again. Stop the download, probably by forcing a shutdown, then you need to go into the sim file system and find that file - it will probably be in the MSFS/Microsoft Flight Simulator/Content folder but a search should locate it - and delete it. Restart the sim which will again check for updates and restart the loading but this time hopefully the errant file will download okay and you're good to go.

  6. Been a while since I started using Addons Linker but now find it indispensable.

    Think your problem may be that you have to set up a folder for your addons first then "construct" a hierarchy, for instance I use sub-folders for aircraft, countries (with sub folders within for each), utilities etc. You then need to move your addons into the relevant folders and sub-folders.

    Once that's done you run Addons Linker and tell it where your storage main folder is as well as your Community Folder. It will then build the table where you can thereafter add or subtract whatever addons you want to use into the Community Folder. I also make full use of the presets facility which means I don't have to reset the whole thing when changing aircraft/scenery/etc.

    It takes a bit of setting up but well worth it in the end. There was an excellent Utube vid on how to set it all up, if I remember the dev included a link to it on Flightsim.to

  7. Have you tried emptying your Community Folder then restarting the sim? If it now works okay you'll need to identify which of your C/F addons is causing the problem by adding them back one at a time until you find the culprit. Can be a very onerous task, I use MSFS Addons Linker to organise my addons which makes it a bit easier (it also has a couple of addon diagnostics that might help).


    You might also check you only have one Community File and the sim is reading the correct one.


    The other regular problem is control bindings, where one binding is used twice and they're working against each other. Clue - what are you doing IMMEDIATELY before the crash?

  8. This is an ongoing bug in MSFS, has been for ages and is well covered on the official MSFS forum. Opinion is that it's probably not going to be sorted as MSFS2024 has been announced although the bug-list keeps saying it's being worked on.


    There is a new ATC programme called BeyondATC in the works which promises to not only resolve this but offer a vastly improved ATC experience. Several Utube videos plus a busy Discord channel too although as yet no release date. "When it's ready" is the invariable response.

  9. I don't think there are any files you can backup in the MSFS installation on your machine - MSFS stores it's settings in the Cloud then when you start up the game it firstly checks for any updates (which,m incidentally includes any sim files that have gone missing or are corrupted) then loads in your settings. This is why you must be connected on-line and logged in to start the sim.


    As far as I'm aware you can only backup things like third-party addons, controller settings etc.

  10. Any particular third-party airport? Or does it happen at ALL addon airports.

    If the former try re-downloading the addon, deleting the old one before you install obviously. If that;s not an option try contacting the dev.


    Otherwise the usual suspects - check all your drivers are up-to-date (sim and Windows), empty your rolling cache and check an update hasn't made any unexpected changes in your settings.

  11. In real life an aircraft - and I'm talking about prop GA types here - are rigged to fly straight and level at a certified cruise/power setting without control input. Inevitably things get  a little out of kilter (minor damage we called "hangar rash") and until an engineer sorted it a bit of trim, if available, would be required to keep it straight and level.


    Also any changes to the cruise/power settings would also cause changing trim e.g. increased power (usually) results in a nose up change and maybe a small lateral change due to gyroscopic effects of the propeller.


    In the sim, however, the trim is very dependant upon how the developer has set it up ,i.e. he/she has become the engineer who rigs the aircraft. Adding a trim control, even if the real-life aircraft doesn't actually have that facility, is a way of compensating.


    If your sim aircraft has rolling tendencies try changing your power settings - if the dev has constructed it properly this should have the same effect as IRL. You should also check to see if there is any advice about what your power settings should be.

  12. There have been a few threads about this and closely related ATC faults on the official MSFS Forum, which have now been amalgamated into one.

    Despite many posts that someone has "done this", the fault has "gone away" so this "must be the problem", in fact it is such a random fault that AFAIK there is still not a definitive cause or cure - even MS/|Asobo are still working on it. I've had the fault a few times but then it's disappeared for weeks, only to suddenly strike again for no apparent reason.

    My opinion is that it is somewhere in the Azure section of the sim that is unstable and as the devs cannot replicate it, it is impossible to identify where the problem lies. My guess is that there will be a sudden "hey guess what guys, we found it" moment or we'll have to wait for MSFS2024. Unless they port the ATC over - no, no, no Asobo, don't do it!!!

  13. As said, it depends on what you can afford - the better the rig the better the performance and ultimate enjoyment. Since MSFS was published I've done two pretty major upgrades, mainly so that I can fly in VR but I'm fortunate enough to be able to afford it. All I can say is you'll always "want" more so go for the best you can. Maybe even some 2nd hand components as, like me, folk are upgrading all the time.


    A series 7 CPU and a 4000 series GPU will give you excellent performance without going to a 4K monitor but going down one level would work okay although you may need to experiment with in-sim graphic settings. Strongly recommend 32GB RAM, as fast as you can afford, although it will run happily with 16GB, just gives you some headroom for other applications you may wish to run at the same time. Storage is also important, try to go for a 2TB SSD/Nvme as the sim itself has a large storage footprint and you'll be getting addons as well.


    Finally don't forget you'll be wanting a control stick/yoke/rudder pedals as well - an Xbox controller works okay if you can't afford anything else. Control using keyboard/mouse is a non-starter.

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