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One Two Right Team

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Posts posted by One Two Right Team

  1. Hello fellow pilots!


    We would like to announce to you our bellowed "One Two Right" app! It is a logbook app designed and developed for virtual pilots. It also comes with an accompanying mobile app, which you can use on your phone or tablets.


    We would like to invite you to try it out at https://www.onetworight.com/


    Note: We provide the iOS app and Android version is coming soon. We, just like you, enjoy being virtual pilots. Our aim is to provide you the best realistic products possible. For that, we have designed and developed a mobile app, which you can update the checklist as we release/update them in. We intend to provide you real-life checklists with this app. We are looking forward to adding checklists for the B737 and A320 series next. If you have real-life checklist examples for these types, or for any aircraft type that you would like to see in our app, please contact and let us know at: https://onetworight.com/#contact We would be more than happy to provide you the checklists that you want to see in the app.


    Thank you and enjoy!

    One Two Right Team



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