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Posts posted by Runway16

  1. Hi guys,


    I'm trying to find/change some airport setting in FSX where aircraft waiting to depart don't line up on the runway if there is an approaching aircraft within 5 miles of touching down. I want to change it to 4 miles to speed things up at busy airports.


    At one of my airports, an aircraft won't depart if there is an aircraft on approach within "10" miles - which is not normal and extremely slow/hard for aircraft to depart. I don't know what change this.


    Any ideas of how I can fix it please?


    Thank you :)



  2. Hi Guys,


    I am having an issue with AI Traffic at one of the airports on FSX.


    Aircraft won't line up to take off if there is an approaching/landing aircraft within "10" miles of the airport.


    At all other airports in FSX I notice that aircraft will always line up to depart until a landing aircraft is within 6 miles of the airport.


    Do you know why this one airport is different and is there a setting or .cfg file that I can adjust please to change it from 10 miles to 6 miles?


    Thank you.



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