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Posts posted by Lissart

  1. To be clear, the add-on developer is advising that I can merely copy and paste the files as per the list in my first post directly into my existing FS9.0 installation. That will give me the functionality of FS9.1 and therefore his products will work. He was unable to clarify exactly WHICH files are truly needed and WHY. I am perfectly happy with how and when to back up what I need before I start messing about and that these backups will get me out of trouble if required. The FS9.1 patch installer fails on anything but fresh, clean, out of the box installs of FS9.0. This is most likely because original FS9.0 files have been modified with the addition of add-ons and so forth from their original state. So my question is this: Will a manual, copy and paste exercise of the modded FS9.1 files into my FS9.0 actually work or not? I know I can technically perform this procedure where the installer has failed but is there something else that the installer does (registry entries...?) which copy and paste would not achieve and therefore render the exercise futile? Maybe the only way is to try it and see! (Could be a lot of valuable time wasted.....)
  2. Like many dedicated users of FS9, I have a much modified and added to installation of my favourite sim. It is still though the unpatched, FS9.0 version. Despite all the advice on these and other forums, I have never managed to get the upgrade to complete successfully. This can only be done it seems to a clean, fresh install of FS9.0. I have been advised by a well known developer whose products require FS9.1 that the only way I get get his stuff running (which it currently does not) is to update to FS9.1. He further states that this could be done manually - if I can get hold of the patched files - by a simple copy and paste to my existing FS9.0. (Backups OF COURSE having been made!!) Could the members on this forum comment on the wisdom of this approach? I am a tad suspicious and under no circumstances do I wish to mess up my sim, leading to the necessity of a ghastly complete re-install or something. (Way too much hassle!) For reference, here is the complete list of the files that are patched by the update (please ignore the A610 bit in the file name as that is added by the backup process.):







































    What could possibly go wrong...? Experience would suggest that actually, quite a bit!





    PS: Should just add that the way to get hold of the patched files is LEGAL! By simply installing all on another machine without FS9, adding the update then transferring the files.

  3. Folks,


    I recently purchased the FS2x G1000 package (Don Kuhn?) and installed into FS9 no problem. The website offers a free Quest Kodiak panel upgrade to users that have legitimately purchased this product. (This panel was why I purchased the G1000 in the first place!) The download for the Kodiak is a password protected file that uses the same password as used to install the package once purchase has been completed. Except it doesn't!! The purchase password will NOT open the Kodiak zip file. (I appreciate that this website and it's products might well be long gone but they are still offering stuff for sale.....) I have e-mailed the various addresses on the site, including the one used by Paypal for the purchase. With no success.... Does anyone have this panel and could let me have it? I am a legal owner of the base package and can supply a copy of the receipt if required. Either that, or advice on how to open the zip file download of the Kodiak.



  4. Hi Folks,


    Just wanting to play around again with VoxATC which I have re-installed from the CD for my FS2004. I also have 2 zip files which appear to be the UK Vox upgrade - "VAUK Update.zip" and " ukvasettingsNL.zip". However, there is no Readme or other instructions on how to install this upgrade (if that is what these 2 files are!) Obviously VoxATC is no longer supported for FS9. I have tried messing about with a do-it-yourself install but it all ends horribly. Can anyone assist with information at all?




  5. Dijon,


    I have now! I found it - or rather discovered its absence - before reading your post. On replacing USEnglishASOS normal service resumed. As soon as I saw this file in my second copy of FS (partitioned hard drive), I went to search for it in the original. It was missing. I know not why.


    Nonetheless, if I had not worked it out your post would have solved it for me - thanks!



  6. Evening all,


    I am no longer able to receive and hear the Automatic Weather Observations "ASOS/ATIS" messages at uncontrolled airports - i.e. those which only have the Auto Weather obs. At larger airports, the standard ATIS is still available. I suspect that this may be due to the voice used for the Auto Ob being missing, as I have recently been experimenting with voice packs, Editvoice Pack v3 and MyTraffic 2005 - all of which (apparently) alter the MS voice pack. So the more "robotic" voice used for the auto ob has been lost somehow....? This may of course NOT be the reason! I have re-installed the original files from the FS9 CD no2 (usenglishbig/small.gvp) but to no avail.


    Any ideas anyone...?



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