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Posts posted by Raven214

  1. Slightly off topic, but why does this not show on the MSFS home page? I've been waiting all day for this but it says it was posted 21 hours ago. :eek::confused:


    Back on topic, it's a good start. The game is working fine for me so I'm awaiting the bug fixes for aircraft and systems, but I understand just getting it installed is a problem for a fair amount of people so that should obviously be priority number 1.

  2. I think FS2020 is going to leave a lot of people disappointed and I think Microsoft tossed themselves a curve by not allowing imports from previous versions.


    As far as I am aware, MS has never said you can't import aircraft. In fact, I've read of developers considering just that. Unless you want an "Easy Button" to automatically convert an aircraft on your own - that does not exist. But that's not really how this works. You're talking about "importing" content built on a system ~15 years old. FS2020 isn't just a slight every other year update, it's a whole new ballgame. To convert a plane properly will require a good bit of work on the model, textures, and flight dynamics. The small caveat is there is a "legacy" mode in FS2020 which would presumably use the old flight model, but even then there is still a lot of work to be done visually.

  3. Going off how it fared after the first 45 minutes, mine probably took about 2.5 hrs to download last night. I can't say for sure as I was getting the family to bed, but when I got up in the middle of the night it was ready to go!


    I do feel bad for those with slow connections. When I first got internet over 20 years ago now it was dial-up and a big download was over 1 MB lol! Times sure have changed.

  4. Yes, I agree with that statement and you can extend that to any self respecting Rel World pilot.


    Over the years I probably recommended FSX and other sims to hundreds of new and existing pilots. This one I will never recommend to anyone, if anything stay away, we all seem to be treated like some pipsqueaks that are stealing money from the parents wallets.


    Really! Split the 172 and try to get another $10.00 for an acft, one of the 3 that are actually of any real use in the release. Everything thing else is just fantasy for wannabes. Horrible idea, they just want to make it look like there are some different versions, which they are not.

    Just treating people like idiots, I assume they are used to the shoot them up crowd. I hope they come to their senses and start treating us like real people.

    First they abuse people by using them a free labor, which I am sure is in the thousands of hours, and then they stick yo them again. You want something useful? Just give me another $10.00 because I am smart and you are and idiot, easy money.

    Just grow up set up a price and I will decide if I want it. Get some decent distribution, stop trying to force people into giving up their privacy, stop treating people like 2 year olds, and be honest with people.

    From what I've seen so far it does not look like we are missing much.


    A promise that was not kept (for Real World pilots), yea, which, A320, 747... miserable distribution trying to maintain total and complete control and force you to give up your privacy for a miserable game. No thank you.


    What on earth are you rambling on about?

  5. I'm being a bit slow here, but I can't see anywhere that it explicitly states that flying in and out of any of the 37,000 airports/airfields/airstrips will be just the same (I mean in terms of there being solid and level aprons, taxiways, runways, navaids, ATC, proximity to nearby scenery, trees and other hazards) as the 'hand-crafted' airports.


    I realise and accept that they cannot all be exact and accurate replicas, until the third-party people get on the job. Are there some of the promotional videos that show normal aircraft activity in and out of any of those 37,000 non-hand-crafted airports? Seeing would then be believing.


    Look on YouTube, there are tons of videos about airports and features.

  6. I am not sure you are getting it.

    Yes, there was a way to build your own acft in FSX, FS9...

    DVDs being available only in EU is an insult to us in USA, as far as I am concern they can staick until I can get it here in the DVD form from a local store and or site I trust and visit.

    I've had W10 for a long time, the problem is that they want to dictate what version I should have to play this stupid game, it's not going to happen.

    No, I will not set up a M$ account or any other just for a game.

    I have control of my money and they are not getting it unless it's on my terms, but you are welcome to sell your property in Nevada, with ocean view, and may be able to get this silly game. If you are old enough look into the Reverse mortgage that may help you get what you so badly want.

    I will not allow anyone to treat me like a child I have plenty of toys and until they do what I want, the way I want it, they can buy it themselves.

    I have plenty of things to keep me busy and I suggest that others look around, there are other sims out there, and don't allow themselves to be taken advantage of.


    My apologies, I must not be getting it either. Media these days is moving increasingly to cloud-based. Movies, TV, music... It's not just for games, and not just for FS2020. Notice I didn't say that's necessarily a good thing, but it is a convenient one. The DVD version is only being released in Europe because that's the deal they were able to work out. Even so, you will still need to download an update - or at the very least, should highly do so. Alternatively, you can get it directly from MS or from Steam.


    I don't completely understand what you're getting at. FS2020 is far from the first game requiring an account and it won't be the last. That's part of the "online-ness" of gaming these days. I'm not saying that's a good thing but it is what it is.


    You honestly lost me with the W10 thing. Unless it has been stated to only work with W10 and you're mad at that which I can understand, but then you said you have W10...


    "I will not allow anyone to treat me like a child I have plenty of toys" -- Huh?


    I don't see how any of this is trying to take advantage of you, but if you're content with what you have, more power to you. I'm just not sure what you're complaining about if you're not interested in the first place. If you're looking for it to come on DVD and be offline only then you're setup for disappointment.

  7. You're going to be hard pressed to find it on DVD, unless you live in Europe. All games have different requirements, and many of FS2020's have been discussed by the developers, so not sure what to tell you there. High demands come from pushing the edge of the envelop and taking a generational leap. If that's not for you, so be it, but I wouldn't tell other people to follow your lead "just because".
  8. That is a question I had thought of asking too. If I have real world planes switched on will the models reflect the real world planes or just be replaced by generic models of a similar type?


    Most likely they will just use a similar type. I haven't heard anything about AI-only aircraft like there were in FSX, but that doesn't mean they won't be there. Either way, it would be impossible to have every single type of aircraft even just for the AI, so at some point the game will have to use similar types.

  9. Good point. With steam all the updates are handled...if I buy from MS am I going to have to keep track of, and manually install all updates? Like with fsx service pack 1 and service pack 2 etc? Those 2 updates were crucial to my fps.


    Good question here. I have been debating back and forth between buying it directly from MS or through Steam. I was leaning toward MS as it's "straight from the source" but I, too, wonder if updates will be downloaded/applied automatically for the MS version or if I will have to keep track of that myself?

  10. Has anyone compiled a list of known add-ons planned/in process for MSFS2020? I'm trying my best to keep myself occupied for the next 12 days, as I'm sure most of you are, but there's only so many videos to watch (I am grateful for them!). I thought it'd be nice to take a look at what's coming down the road, particularly for aircraft.


    I know A2A is working on the Piper Aerostar 600, and I just saw a developer I hadn't heard of (name escapes me) is working on the F-14, but it'd be nice to see all of what's planned/announced so far in one place.

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