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Posts posted by Mockingbird71

  1. Exact same thing here. On bluestacks

    Ok so its not just me then !that makes me feel im not going mad at least ! have you spoken to rortos? ive emailed them numerous times to ask support questions but after 3 days nothing at all!

  2. This has got to be the quietist forum ive ever encountered ! very little support here i find for real flight sim users !


    so are there any users on this forum who today have updated their real flight sim to version 0.8.9 and either have a great game with added features or have hit problems? mine now crashes at start up ! contacted support at 10 am this morning but as of yet no response

  3. So updated the sim this morning to 0.8.9 and crashed instantly !


    i am running the sim on bluestacks to get a better experience with the sim! works great

    with 0.8.8 then crashes with 0.8.9 right at the first screen?


    awaiting support to get back to me? hopefully its an easy fix but cant see it!


    ive also reinsatlled the app and exactly the same? anyone else having problems with the new update?

  4. In aviation, hot and high is a condition of low air density due to high ambient temperature and high airport elevation. Air density decreases with increasing temperature and altitude. The reduced density reduces the performance of the aircraft's engine. Aviators gauge air density by calculating the density altitude.


    "Hot" and "high" do not have to be mutually inclusive of one another, though this tends to be the exception. If an airport is especially hot or high, the other condition need not be present. Temperature and pressure altitude can change from one hour to the next. The fact that temperature decreases as altitude increases mitigates the "hot and high" effect to a small extent.


    i personally struggle to get concorde off the ground with the afterburners going full bore same with katmandu in nepal simply wont take off ?


  5. I have flown the concord on rfs for about 10 hours and found that most airports approaches you will crash before hitting the runway threshold as the final waypoint on most airports are below 3500 feet ! concord as you all well know has a high attack angle on approach which the standard approach doesnt have so you come in low and slow and end up bailing the plane into the approach lights!


    I have sent rortos another email to find out if this is normal because hand flying concord onto the threshold or the touch down zone is near impossible.


    your thoughts everyone? anyone else found this

  6. Downloaded the new update today and have notived i cannot any longer hold down my mouse button and look around the cabin or change my viewing angle inside the cabin or outside for that matter ?


    does anyone have the same issue not being able to look round inside the cabin? i.e lok up down left and right by dragging your mouse pointer ?

  7. I’ve tried and tried to do a cold start with the apu on but there is no button to start the engines ! I’ve looked everywhere but nothing ! Any chance of a little help guys?


    Now sorted i worked it out

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