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Posts posted by lillaz

  1. Howdy everyone,


    I was wondering if anyone has experienced the issue with Instant Scenery 3 Library Maker in the attached screenshot? I cannot seem to understand what triggers the failure to open. It occurs when I try and open an airport library BGL. I have tired to research this issue, have found some forms that do not completely answer it.





  2. Awesome Jim! You have given me some insight on what I can read up on for sure. I will do some homework on FSDS as well as ModelConverterX. I do have ModelConverterX, but I have yet to use it. Sounds like I will be doing so soon. If all else fails I would certainly like your help with the invisible attachpoint. This was a big help, that had me stumped, thanks again!
  3. Greetings flight simmers,


    I have been working on an airport for quite some time now, and I have finally got it to the point that I feel it is decent to release to my fellow flight sim aviators. I was looking at the scenery and realized I forgot to design an airport beacon! So I went into FSDS promply made the beacon pole to the dimensions of the actual airport beacon. Compiled it; added it to Instant Scenery and attached the default Instant Scenery beacon and beacon "light beam". To my surprise I notice the beam stayed visible during the day and did not rotate during night or IFR times.


    So I go on a world wide web expedition knowing that this problem has been brought up before (which it has). I find in the Flightsim.com forms this write up https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?213923-Tower-s-Rotating-Beacon in which the late David “Opa” Marshall created a comprehensive tutorial that took all the guess work out of placing an airport beacon.


    When reading that form I saw that KarlB737 simply changed the " LibraryObject name" with a control tower to get the result of having the airport beacon on the tower. With that knowledge gathered I took the "LibraryObject name" for the pole that I created and attached it to the appropriate XML coding replicating what KarlB737 did.


    This resulted to my beacon pole that I design being displayed in the proper coordinates, but the beacon was not present. I carefully made sure that my LibraryObject name was correct and read through David “Opa” Marshall tutorial several times to make sure I covered everything but had the same results.


    To assure that the technique that KarlB737 did worked I took the LibraryObject name that he provided in the form and I had a control tower with beacon. I feel that I have exhausted all of my capabilities, and form search understanding. I have included pictures of my beacon pole to aid in anyone understanding my issue.





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