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Posts posted by chesterspal

  1. I'm trying to affect some changes in my controls but as I play with these sliders little seems to change.


    Right now there seems to be too much reaction to even the smallest movement in my Saitek yoke. Playing with the sensitivity slider seems to do little.


    I'd also like to speed up the flight reload after I do a landing but it seems to hang on the scenery for the longest time. How can I affect a change so that it loads faster. I can do with less accurate/detailed scenery for now as I only want to do landings.


    Thanks much!

  2. Hello to all. I'm new to Flight Sim X Steam Edition. Taking flying lessons and want to be able to practice maneuvers with my sim.


    Trying to do landings and it's a struggle, to say the least. I find I can open the maps feature and move my plane (Cessna 152) to a bit away from the final approach of my airport. I can set the speed and height there, as well. That part seems to work OK.


    My question is, is there any way to save those settings I just created so I do not have to keep closing the flight and doing this all all over again?


    Barring that, is there any way to "replay" or go back in time for a flight and have it repeat this way?


    Thanks for ant help you can provide.

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