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Posts posted by caflama

  1. Folks, MSFS2020 has some serious growing up pains to go through. There are still many things that are just puzzling to me, but then again, it's Microsoft, and they are not known to be super intuitive.

    I have been using X-Plane 11 as a adjunct training tool towards my IFR rating, and it is a very good training device. Not as pretty as MSFS2020 bt far, but way more useful. Here are some of the things I noticed, and I'm sure this is not new to anyone on this thread.

    The glide slope indicators next to the runways are becoming visible way too late ( about 1-2 miles out).

    I hope that will be fixed in one of the future updates, because in reality, these indicators can be seen at least 8-12 miles out.

    When saving a flight, for some reason, the weather automatically sets itself to clear cloys, and there is no way to access the weather button in the menu. So that defeats any realistic travel scenario, where one would want to fly from one point to the next, and then park the plane over night, and then continue the next day or so.

    Some airports are missing, and that's what baffles me. Not that I expect every airport to be there (as it is in XPlane, but why is there every tiny airstrip around Stuttgart, Germany, but not the Stuttgart airport? Doesn't make any sense to me. This may not be relevant to anyone else, but I happen to been raised in that area, and Stuttgart airport was the place where my passion for aviation started. So, yes, its sentimental, but again, why is the main airport in this area (an international airport) omitted? Strange.

    As I played wit more with the new sim, and I have to call it play, because at this point it's more play than training, I found a couple of other annoying things, not worth mentioning here.

    One thing that I am curious id; will there be an option in the future to link MSFS2020 to Fore Flight? And will it be linked up with Pilot Edge, a real ATC communication program that uses actual ATC professionals, not amateurs like Vat Sim? These are the things I'm hoping for will be fixed at some point in the future. Until then...

    I keep using X Plane for training, and MSFS2020 for playing around and enjoying the beautiful scenery.

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