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Posts posted by Stratocaster54

  1. Since the release of MSFS 2020 one could argue that FS9 already is a sim from the far past.

    But it's going to take a while before I actually switch to something newer.


    So why not setup FS9 as a "retro sim"?

    Well, here is FS9 in 2021. Enjoy!
















    To be continued!


    Addons used:


    - SweetFX

    - REX Textures converted to FS9

    - Freeware sky textures by Chris34 on Calclassic (not on all screenshots)

    - Envtex

    - Aerosoft EHAM, NL2000 v3 SE, FlyTampa VHHX, FSDreamTeam KLAS, DigitalDesign ULLI

    - 1998 Retro AI Traffic

    - CLS/RFP 747 merge

    - Tinmouse 737

    - Manfred Jahn's C47

    - SCS TU-134 v2

  2. Thank you,


    I agree on the ENB thing, I used the Soft ENB "natural" preset from the Full Environment 9 package in those screens.

    Currently I have the SweetFX files in there as well. The struggle still continues to find the correct sky texture set. I have REX overdrive as well as Envtex and FSUIPC but the sky just doesn't really look very realistic to me. What sky textures would you recommend?


    An SSD might get rid of some blurries in a heavily tweaked FS2004, but because it is such an old sim I don't expect it to improve on framerates (I still use an HDD so I am not sure). In FSX and P3D many people claim it makes a big difference.


    Good job on your Youtube videos, they are very usefull!

  3. Hey everyone,


    I hope you all have a great day.


    I'm still not able to upgrade to a newer sim so the road to achieve a "realistic" FS9 continues.

    They had to be scaled down sadly, but here are some screenshots, enjoy!
















    Yes, I love the classic 747.. did you notice already?







    List of addons seen in the pictures:


    - CLS 747 (made the PH-BUI repaint myself, it is not available (yet))

    - Manfred Jahn C47 FS9 version (Freeware)

    - Wilco 737

    - REX Overdrive

    - NL2000 v3SE (Freeware)

    - Aerosoft Amsterdam Schiphol

    - Flightzone Portland

    - FSRealWX Lite (Freeware)

    - FSUIPC

    - ENB Series (Freeware)

  4. Thank you for your reply Enko, and good job already. But I already took matters in my own had. I have been spending a few days now trying to learn the de editor program and watching tutorials and the repaint is as good as finished (altough I might add some more details in the future).


    I ended up repainting the PH-BUI, which is almost the same.







    Tail logo allignment is still needed, after that I will upload it (probably somewhere else but I don't know if sharing a link to a different flightsim website is allowed).

  5. I had the same problem, it wouldn't let me open the .exe file from the disc. Copying the content to my harddrive also did not work but I found a way around it.


    Here is the fix:


    1. In the windows searchbar search for 'CMD' (It should find a program called 'Commandprompt')

    2. Right click and press 'Run as adminstrator'.

    3. If you are using the boxed version you can skip step 4. insert the disc, and check what drive it is mapped to. (in my case drive D: but yours might be different).


    In the command prompt write the name of your drive where te disc is inserted. Don't forget the ':' at the end.

    In my case I write: 'D:'


    4. If you already have the files on your computer, go to the location and copy the folder location


    In the commandprompt go to the root of your drive by repeating writing 'cd ..' until you only see the name of your root drive on the left.

    Now write a command structured as the following: 'cd folderofyourPMDG'

    for example: 'cd C:\Backups\PMDG'


    5. Write the command 'DIR' to verify that you are at the right location and you can see the contents of your CD or Folder

    6. Write the command 'start setup.exe'


    This should work (at least it did for me), if you have any troubles feel free to ask for help.


    Best regards,



  6. Hello everyone,


    Is there anyone who can make this KLM Cargo 'Taking things further' livery? It is one of my favourites.


    It is for the CLS 747-200/300 series for FS2004. The model and textures are FS9 and FSX compatible, as long as it is not the HD version by Just Flight (That will need some resolution downsizing and format conversion to work with FS9, but if you only have that model it works as well).

    It is an 747-206B(SF)(SUD) but it must probably be painted over the 747-300 from CLS, not the -200F as this is a 'converted freighter'.


    Here is a picture of the aircraft I am talking about:



    I do not own this picture, copyright belongs to the owner of this image


    I hope someone wants to take the time to make this repaint, as I am not professional enough to do it myself (I tried).


    Best regards,



  7. Hello everyone, it's about time I finally post something on here again.

    Today I did a flight from Manila to Kai Tak (hong kong), of course with the famous IGS RWY13 approach (video coming soon).


    I had some problems with my system so I had to reinstall a bunch of stuff. At that moment I found out that my boxed 747-200 disc got damaged so I had to rebuy it. The good thing is: now the INS panel finally works, so it was really fun to navigate that way.


    Sadly I had to downsize to images to be able to upload them here. Does anyone know how to upload full HD? Imgur didn't work either..


    Anyway I hope you enjoy.



    (Taxiing to the runway at RPLL)



    (Climbing out of Manila)





    (A long time of cloud surfing above the sea)



    (With the coast now coming into sight it is time to turn off the INS mode and navigate to VOR CEUNG CHAU

    to fly a 270 Radial, descent further down and follow the rest of the chart)



    (A cloud is really disturbing the view and makes it difficult to see the checkerboard and lead in lights)















    CLS 747



    ENB Series

    RPLL v8 (Freeware)

    Manila the City v2 (Freeware)

    FlyTampa Hong Kong



    I'll post the video soon!


    Have a great day!

  8. Hello everyone,


    The time has come that I really need a new computer.

    I currently own a laptop with the following specs:


    i7 6700HQ @ 2,60 to 3,20 GHz

    Geforce GTX 960m 4gb

    8 gb DDR4 RAM


    I own P3D v4, but just can‘t get it to run smooth. The PMDG 737 gives me 18 FPS combined with Active Sky while the settings are set really low. FSX doesn‘t work well either and is extremely unstable. For this reason I have been stuck with FS2004 for a long while but it‘s limits are really showing, and it‘s becoming more and more difficult to keep a realistic feel to such an old sim.

    So I am planning to get a new computer to run P3D v4 with the following addons:


    PMDG 737NGX

    REX Texture Direct + Soft clouds

    ORBX Global Base

    Active Sky 2016

    Various airport sceneries I might buy in the future

    NL2000 v5 (maybe)


    I found a computer which might do the job. I couldn‘t find a lot of information about others using these specs, but this is it:


    CPU: i7 8700 3,4 to 4,6 GHz 6-core (non-K variant)

    GPU: Geforce GTX 1060 6GB

    RAM: 16 gb DDR4

    SSD: yes (256 gb)

    HDD: yes (1 tb)


    I am not planning on overclocking. Aiming to play at a resolution of 1920x1080. I also don‘t seek to max everything out as I just want a good balance between graphics and performance (although a bit of eye candy is always great, I should add).


    Do you think this would be a good rig, or are there better options for around €1000 - €1200?


    Thanks in advance,

    and have a great day.


    – Stratocaster54

  9. Hey everyone!

    I did a flight from Toncontín to Quito a few days ago and it was my favourite flight so far

    so I would like to share with you some screenshots of the flight.




    After taxiing and setting up the aircraft it is now on the runway ready to go.




    The beautiful view after departure.




    Climbing to a cruising altitude of 32000 feet.




    Almost on cruising altitude. Here is the left wing view.




    Now it's about roughly one hour of flying over the ocean.




    Already descending after reaching the mainland of South America.




    Time to make the low turn over the mountains already.




    After a few more turns the aircraft is now facing the runway.




    Landing succesful! Here is the last picture of taxiing to the gate.



    Sadly all the pictures have been reduced in resolution to be able to be posted on the forum,

    but I hope you all enjoyed.


    have a great day!


    - Stratocaster54

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