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Posts posted by robertkr

  1. Yes. This plane is not supported any more as DA disappeared, so if You have W10, You may encounter similar problems. Flight1 sells it as unsupported product and it is stated the plane does not run in Win10, but then there is a small notice about digichk4.dll. I simply risked hoping I'll manage to make it run.

    Best regards.

  2. Thank You, I will follow Your advice. I have equipped the PF Fokker with ISG instruments and using virtual FO freeware allows to fly in similar way as DA. I think I'll keep the DA plane, maybe someone will solve this problem. Flight1 does not support the plane anymore and DA does not exist, so my only chance is to wait or try to fix it myself.

    Best regards


  3. Hi, did anyone succeed in forcing DA Fokker to run on Windows 10? I have bought it from Flight1 as they supply new digichk4.dll library stating it should be ok for Windows 8/10. Alas after few minutes all displays and FMC stop operating. I would appreciate any hint. Of course there is possibility to get refund from Flight1, but I like the plane and hesitate to ask for refund.

    Best regards


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