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Posts posted by FSXFan987

  1. Hey it's been a while since I was here, but I got a problem with my PMDG 737NGX. When I select the plane I get this.

    failed liscence.png

    I tried lots of stuff to try to get it fixed. I uninstalled the plane and then reinstalled it many times. I also even reinstalled my ENTIRE FSX. I also looked up a solution with other people that had the same problem with the FLEXnet Liscencing Service. None of these worked. Will the plane still work with the message? Or what do I do to fix this?

  2. I looked up the latest FSX updated model files listed at TDS Facebook...










    Just don't get the MAX 7,8, or 9 for the standard 737's or vice versa


    For a beginner, you should pick a base package from the FlightSim library and install it. You will find there is no Virtual Cockpit. To get one, look up 737 VC merge and you will find instructions in the FlightSim Forum to use the default FSX 737 VC. Then you will find some of the lights don't work. That's when you get the above mentioned FSX update models to fix it.


    Or just BUY a ready to fly PMDG 737NGX -800/900 for $69.99 :)


    I know how to do that. I am looking where to find the FSX-native files, not how to merge them. I know how to do that.

  3. The FSX model update files (example IH50) are necessary to get the lights working correctly. I have not seen them anywhere except TDS Bookface. You don't have to join the TDS page, just open a account with Bookface with minimal information, get the files then close the account again.


    I saved all the files but don't have the rights to upload them or I would.


    I don't know how to do that.

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