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Posts posted by gulfwhiskey

  1. As I suspected it was my fault-a clerical error. Some time before the update, I somehow did something that produced the FlightSim2020 folder. When the update asked for the root directory, I did not browse for it, but carelessly accepted the default. Unfortunately, it was not the root but something with the same structure. The update then updated it rather than the root. The result was a106GB folder structure that was fully operational except for the lack of all but two aircraft. The fix was simple. I backed out the installed mods (with the MODMANFX a trivial operation), deleted the FlightSim2020 folder and ran the update again with the correct root. Everything worked fine.


    As a postscript, I believe that the folks at http://www.msfsaddons.org are by-and-large competent and vet their mods before posting them. Many have been producing mods for DCS and FSX for a while. Both of these simulators were once new. A few pioneers must bleed until the community trusts their work. Perhaps I am foolhardy for trying to use their products at this early stage, but I felt the risk was worth the gain.


    To appreciate the quality of some of the mods, I suggest looking at the VL_3 915 community project. One has to be impressed with extensive planning and execution exhibited.


    All of the mods were reinstalled using MODMANFX and are happily chugging along. They have caused no problems whatsoever and make an appreciated addition to my simulator.

  2. Backed out and ran the update again. Before the update, the root folder was Microsoft FlightSimulator 2020. After the update there was a large folder FlightSim2020 in addition to the original. The new folder has only two aircraft. The original has all of them. It appears that launching the sim uses the new folder. Everything seems normal except for the missing planes. It seems like I have two copies of the sim and the wrong one is being launched? I have several mods in the original (Microsoft FlightSimulator 2020) Community folder. They work fine when I run the bogus FlightSim2020 sim copy even though they are not in that sim's Community folder.


    Does anyone know how I can verify what is being launched?

  3. Not sure if this is the right place for this issue but …


    Short version:

    Everything is normal until I try to change aircraft. But, there are only two: a c152 and tbm930.


    I installed the mod manager MODMNFX. and several airport mods ,then started the sim to checkout the new mods. During the start-up, the sim's update manager found an update. I thought that I could not proceed with the checkout of my mods until I had done the update. So I did. Unfortunately, I did not notice its size (106GiB) and the update ran all night.


    The next day I ran the simulator and flew the Cessna 152 out of several of the mod airports. Everything seemed normal until I tried to change the aircraft; there were only two.


    I looked at the MSFS sim on my G drive. There are two files each is large and the have same structure:

    FlightSim2020 (79.9GB created 12/19/20 @ 3:07 PM)

    Microsoft FlightSimulator 2020(96.3GB created 11/2/20)


    Microsoft FlightSimulator seems to be the original simulator installation and contains all the aircraft (Deluxe Premium Edition). The other, just the two I mentioned. Mod installation was over before Simulator update began. So it appears that:

    the FlightSim2020 folder was created by the mod manager since the update download didn't start until after mod manager activity completed

    Since two aircraft were added at 4:30 am when no mod activity was taking place, the update process knew about the FlightSim2020 folder.


    I don't claim to know what goes on during an update but it appears that the update process found the structure created by the mod manager and mistook it for something else.


    If anyone can figure out what happened and suggest a fix, I'd really appreciate it.

    I suspect that I either misnamed something or put something where I shouldn't when I installed the mod manager.


    Except for the missing aircraft, there are no other obvious problems.

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