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Posts posted by NimbleCat


    The second issue relating to "phasing" or switching between default and custom texture. Does this happen on the runway in a checkerboard fashion, or does the grass beside the runway change to default as the aircraft moves. Could you possibly take a picture of the phenomenon.




    Some images




    As you can see, in the first picture a large part of the runway I'm flying over has the default textures, while the far side/s have the add-on textures.


    It changes as I move.


    The grass on the other hand is perfectly fine.

  2. Hi NimbleCat,


    Does your picture show both issues or only the shadow issue.


    The tall shadows could be a result of having the "Ground Scenery Shadows" checkbox checked. This box should never be enabled because of unpredictable shadows emanating from ground scenery objects.





    The second issue relating to "phasing" or switching between default and custom texture. Does this happen on the runway in a checkerboard fashion, or does the grass beside the runway change to default as the aircraft moves. Could you possibly take a picture of the phenomenon.


    Will try that. Thanks!

  3. No certain answer but I had something similar when I installed a scenery for the Cayman Islands.

    It turned out to be some sort of glitch with the shadows... They extended up, out and over everything.

    Are you using DX10 and Steve's DX Fixer? Or it DX10 Preview checked by accident? Not that it may be the cause, it's just that somebody will ask and I like being the first every now and then.

    My answer was removing the Cayman scenery and I haven't tried it since to see if it's still there.




    No, I don't have DX10 on.

  4. So I just downloaded a new scenery for RCTP. The buildings are very good and working very well, and the AFCAD seems to be in great shape.


    However, I've had two problems.


    One, a series of black lines, possibly erratic shadows radiating from the middle of the airport.


    Two, any part of the runway I fly over seems to phase back to the default textures.


    I tried adjusting my settings and even reinstalling the scenery.


    Screenshot for reference




    Help would be appreciated :D

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