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Posts posted by matthewz

  1. Sorry for the late reply, my friend. With the Premium version, there is a custom version of KSFO, which has custom buildings and is an exact replica of the real airport. When I delete the KSFO scenery, I get the default airport - still pretty with taxiways, etc. but not the custom version. As someone who enjoys flying from KLAX to KSFO (and who paid extra for the Premium version) it is disappointing to have it crash on me unless I use the default scenery.


    I am usually good at solving problems like this, but I am stumped. It only seems to be KSFO that is affected. I thought the recent patches would fix the problem, but no luck.


    Have you had any success getting KSFO to work (other than deleting the KSFO package)? It obviously isn't a widespread problem as it only seems to affect you and I! The only thing I can think of is that we might have some residual files from an older version. I really don't want to have to delete everything and start again, but I am not sure what else I can do.

  2. I have the exact same problem when setting KSFO as my arrival or departure, and even when flying near the airport. I did the above and removed the KSFO scenery file from the Content Manager, and unlike in your case, while it works now, the airport is less detailed (default) and is missing the detail of the Premium airport.


    Is this a known issue? I am wondering whether a complete reinstall will solve the problem?

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