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Posts posted by ColR1948

  1. Ty Charlie and Larry,

    Well I got a problem.  I changed what I did earlier I put a new SSD with Windows 10 in the PC then added another HDD and on that put FSX plus installed the Orbx scenery.

    Goes to open FSX and went to EGCC and it isn't in the airports list, EGCB is there plus others but no EGCC Manchester.  So if I re-install FSX will it mess up the Orbx and if so will I have to re-install all that as well, I hope not?



  2. Hi to anyone who remembers me, I have been busy building and renovating older PC's.  I decided to have another go again on the sim.
    I goofed already!  On this latest PC I only have one HDD, its not an SSD, I have Win10 Pro installed and then I put FSX amonst other programs on then after I did it I forgot to put FSX in a different folder, it is running OK at the moment but I'm waiting for something to stop working, don't fancy re-installing all the Orbix scenery plus the other stuff, so it's fingers crossed.

    I'm rusty as well from not using it, I even forgot how to zoom in and out on the screen, had to Google for the answer lol.  I'v got some AI working but need to get it organised properly, speak again soon.



  3. I had that one time, I had a rougue FS9 traffic file hidden among my others, after I converted it all was well again.

    I did at one time for an experiment, use only FS9 aircraft in FSX, I remembered to keep the microlight in with them or it wouldn't start.
    I saved the original FSX aircraft folder so I could switch back anytime, the reason I did this was so I could have my FS9 aircraft flying with Orbx scenery.



  4. @Wobbie, I am about to start a bit of a project:  I'm building a test rig, I have ordered the frame and a few other parts, some parts I already have.
    This will just be for testing, so looking forward to getting started, I will be trying out a few things I have in mind.

    I've been building and restoring PC's during the Winter from old parts and parts I bought cheap off eBay, even bought PC's not working and got them going again.
    I did sell a few but gave a few away as well, they weren't fast gamers but some did play a few low level stuff but they were mainly for general computing but it is/was fun building and upgrading them and seeing them working.



  5. @wobbie, I have my sims all on 1 HDD which as I say I used the swop bay, I took it out the other day to insert another drive, the sims worked OK again when I put it back.

    I've never tried duel-boot on a drive so not sure how it works properly but using the drive swapper thing you can have a different operating system on each drive which some might like but putting an op sytem on an external USB I doubt will work.


  6. Yes you are right, I read up on it and it seems the USB 3 is faster, from what i understand is USB 3 kind of connects via Sata unlike USB 2 which is a lot slower.
    So in the past when people used USB 2 the internal drives were faster, that is what my mind was thinking, so external is the easy way to go.
    This is what the forum is all about chucking ideas about and helpting each other.



    • Like 1
  7. Really!  I was always under the impression running an internal was faster than from USB, I must be wrong.
    As it happens I do have a couple of SSD external drive caddies I may try one out later.


  8. Funny I was on YouTube and low and behold a guy there fitted one of these for an SSD drive on his PC, and he swops operating systems with it, on the PC he had he has Windows7 becuase he likes it, but then he swops the drive for a Linux operationg system as he was learning to use it.
    So in swopping the drive he has two PC's so to speak, no trace of the other system when he swops.



  9. Hi Bernard,  Well the only advantage from whst I see is the drive bay connects to the motherboard and so it acts as an internal drive which runs faster than an external, at least that is what I understand.
    The actual drive bay is empty till you slot in a HDD, the drive bay has a built in connector that connects to the HDD at the rear, then the PC thinks it is just another internal drive.





  10. Hi Chas, 

    I happened to see on one of your posts you said you are or was thinking of a flight sim only PC.
    Well I have one of sorts you might be interested in what I did.
    To save space in mt PC case I bought a hard drive disk swapper if that is the right name for it, what it is, it's an empty drive bay you insert your hard drive of choice, close the door and it connects via the connections at the rear of the bay to the PC, kind of like an external but this actually connects to the motherboeard via cables from the drive bay.

    I have a HDD with just my flight sims on plus a few programs like AIFP, and other that you sometimes need, but nothing else.
    So if for example you may want a drive for other things then open the door on the bay your FS drive pops out you insert another with maybe your documents or whatever, you could if you like have two of these bays and have different operating systems but that another topic.




    HDD swap.jpg

  11. If you like to fly low then I agree scenery plays a big part, in my FSX it did bug me and after trying various ones I plumbed for Orbx, if you are a senior citizen not sure if Orbx still do it but you can get a reduction on the price, you have to tell them first to get it though before you download and pay.

    I also use FS9 aircraft in FSX, most of them work fine, you just can't do it the other way round so don't try it they won't work.


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  12. With XP11 from the box version you get the choice of what countries/continents you want to load, if for example you never fly around Europe or Asia then don't load that scenery.
    If by some chance you make an error and start your flight in a country you haven't loaded in the scenery you will find you are surrounded by water, no land anywhere, then just go to configure and select the right airport you wanted.
    I am used to FS and the files and what a lot of them do, I tweak a lot, but in XP I'm lost, I try to tweak some things like I do in FS but they are different and I'm not sure what half of them do or mean, I'm a bit too old to start learining lol.


  13. I have XP11 & XP12 they both runn OK on my PC, but if you have XP11 you will find some not all XP10 aircraft will fly in it too, it is trial and error to see which work.
    Same applies to XP12, some XP11 aircraft work OK some don't behave lol.
    You probably already know a lot of FS9 aircraft work in FSX, shame it is only one way you can't reverse it lol.



  14. I got one of those HDD swap modules for the PC, very easy to use, just slot in your spare HDD, close the door on the module and it connects to the PC.
    I put my old HDD with Flight Sim in and it connected straight away, tried AIFP3 and hey presto it all worked.  So I'm back in the air with my AI aircraft, thanks for all your help though guys I do appreciate it.


    This is that HDD swapper as I call it, install it in the PC then it connects vis SATA at the back.




    HDD swapper.jpg

  15. A gentle nudge on my avove post about notice of if model is included in the download.  In some of the text it is hard to say if it is just textures or model as well, in some cases I downloaded only to find no model.



  16. I got it thank you, I treid it but got same error, this is strange that the download didn't work and it had no ini file.

    Yet the AIFP2 worked OK, maybe becuase this new one if for FS2020 as well, something in it that isn't working right.



  17. Well I found a copy on one of my old disks and I had to change the drive letter in the ini file, I kind of got it working but got this error.

    Not sure where to look to correct this any ideas please?





  18. I think I found out why this isn't working, in AIFP2 there is an ini file that points to fs9 but in the download of AIFP3 there is no ini file.

    I tried to adapt the AIFP2 ini for for AIFP3 but I need the right text.

    so has anyone got the ini file for AIFP3 please?



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