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Posts posted by skydoc01

  1. Hey Kilowatt,

    You did it. Thanks to you, my "update issue" has been resolved. Per your suggestion, I temporarily shut down Malawarebytes, my anti-virus program, and rebooted MSFS 2020. It loaded smoothly and without any hitches. THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! We're celebrating Thanksgiving Day down here in the States. It will be enjoyable to be with family but I want you to know that you've added significantly to my day.

    Thank you!


  2. Not to worry David. It was a bit of a pain to watch the download/installation take place - but there is gratification in knowing that once this new update issue is resolved, I'll have an uncontaminated version of MSFS 2020. Thanks again. Now I just have to wait for the folks at Microsoft to do their thing. Disappointing in that I was hoping to "get off of the ground" this holiday weekend but it could be a LOT worse.

    Take care,


  3. First of all, I want to thank everyone for the responses that were posted. I appreciate the time and the thought that went into them. Let me more specific as to where things stand now. Per the recommendation of David, I have uninstalled MSFS 2020 - and reinstalled it. The current problem I am having is that when the program reboots, it presents with "Checking for updates" and then: ERROR You are missing packages that are essential to run Microsoft Flight Simulator. Please update the application and try again." The only option given at that point is :Quit". No indication of which "packages" are missing is given.

    Some background: I am running a Windows 11 machine that in all other regards is functioning adequately. I have no problems with any other program. I just ran Malawarebytes and no viruses were found. I've run Windows Updater and that is current. I've run Disk Cleanup. I've checked language and time - all are ok. I ran Revo Uninstaller Pro and that did not make any difference. Prior to doing all of thoe operations, I disconnected the CH yoke and foot pedals. Oh - and the cache is now cleared as well. I turned the computer off and on numerous times - which has not led to a resolution of this issue?

    Suggestions guys? Thanks muchly.

  4. Hi David,

    Thanks for your note. I have, in fact, attempted to follow the recommendations of a number of well-meaning You Tube contributors but invariably something doesn't work. In fact, I suspect (I don't know for sure.) that the combination of all of those offerings has contaminated the MSFS 2020 programming environment and that the only way to possibly get it off of the ground will be to clear it all out and reinstall it. One thing is for sure: It is a LOT easier to fly my actual 150 than to get this MSFS 2020 off of the ground. Thanks again,


  5. Hi All,

    Despite having LOVED FS2004 (and actually flying my own C-150), I am having so much trouble setting up the fundamentals of FS 2020 that I am not able to get it off of the ground. Are there any good hearted NYC-local Flight Simmers out there that could provide some hands on assistance to this Flight Simmer on Manhattan's UWS? Dinner will be gratefully provided (Really!).

    Many thanks.

  6. Greetings,

    I'm quite familiar using VORs. I have one on my own 150. What I'm having difficulty with is setting up the nav radios in MSFS 2020. I've tried a number of VOR setup possibilities but have been unable to come up with a combination that works, i.e one that allows me to tune to the VOR frequency. Your suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks.

  7. Greetings, Your assistance will be appreciated. I've been "flying" the Cessna 152 in MSFS 2020. At different points in the flights I've made, the power markedly diminishes and the plane invariably crashes. Let me be more specific: Prior to the flights, I complete the checklist (fuel supply adequate, fuel on, mixture rich [airport is at sea level], throttle 1/4 open, engine start. Engine instruments are looking good. Everything is fine. Take off is uneventful. At that point things become unpredictable. Two days ago, I climbed straight out to 10,000 feet - adjusting the mixture as appropriate to the altitude. After that 20 minute climb, however, the engine died. No explosions. The controls had not been touched. There was no unexplained fuel loss. I tried a restart on the way down - which was unsuccessful. This evening, I took off from that same runway and made it up to only 1000 feet agl - and the same thing happened. I looked at the "Failure" control panel and everything was off. I'm perplexed. Thoughts? Thanks.
  8. Greetings, Your assistance will be appreciated. I've been "flying" the Cessna 152 in MSFS 2020. At different points in the flights I've made, the power markedly diminishes and the plane invariably crashes. Let me be more specific: Prior to the flights, I complete the checklist (fuel supply adequate, fuel on, mixture rich [airport is at sea level], throttle 1/4 open, engine start. Engine instruments are looking good. Everything is fine. Take off is uneventful. At that point things become unpredictable. Two days ago, I climbed straight out to 10,000 feet - adjusting the mixture as appropriate to the altitude. After that 20 minute climb, however, the engine died. No explosions. The controls had not been touched. There was no unexplained fuel loss. I tried a restart on the way down - which was unsuccessful. This evening, I took off from that same runway and made it up to only 1000 feet agl - and the same thing happened. I looked at the "Failure" control panel and everything was off. I'm perplexed. Thoughts? Thanks.
  9. Greetings, Your assistance will be appreciated. I've been "flying" the Cessna 152 in MSFS 2020. At different points in the flights I've made, the power markedly diminishes and the plane invariably crashes. Let me be more specific: Prior to the flights, I complete the checklist (fuel supply adequate, fuel on, mixture rich [airport is at sea level], throttle 1/4 open, engine start. Engine instruments are looking good. Everything is fine. Take off is uneventful. At that point things become unpredictable. Two days ago, I climbed straight out to 10,000 feet - adjusting the mixture as appropriate to the altitude. After that 20 minute climb, however, the engine died. No explosions. The controls had not been touched. There was no unexplained fuel loss. I tried a restart on the way down - which was unsuccessful. This evening, I took off from that same runway and made it up to only 1000 feet agl - and the same thing happened. I looked at the "Failure" control panel and everything was off. I'm perplexed. Thoughts? Thanks.
  10. Greetings,

    I have flown the 152 in MSFS 2020 and have shared many of the satisfactions and frustrations others have. Never before, however, have I experienced difficulty merely starting the 152. Recently I have been trying to finesse some of the 152’s settings – and probably, inadvertently, altered the setting for starting the engine. As you know, there are many possible settings, e.g. magnetos start, set magnetos, magnetos both, etc.. I’ve tried a number of these possibilities using a trial and error approach which has not been fruitful. Of course, there are the seemingly unlimited number of mapping possibilities, e.g. joystick L, Axis X+, etc, etc. When I attempt to start the plane (mixture rich, throttle full in, master on, primed and moving the magneto switch to “start”), the engine does not turn on at all. Rather, what I do get are the following error messages: “set magneto 1 position. Move axis x to interact.” Anyone have a suggestion as to what the appropriate setting are? I’d appreciate hearing from you. Thanks in advance.


    P.S. I’ve never appreciated my actual 150 more than I do now. 😊))

  11. The 152 does not have DME. I discovered this on a flight yesterday. I did read that you can download mods to get DME but personally I'm not going to do that at this time. I did successfully dial in 2 VOR's on my flight but in the end it was the NDB that got me to my destination. I guess I will use the V map and a flight plan to get me to a destination from now on.


    Thank you for your response. That's a bummer. Do you know whether the DME is not a possibility in the actual 152 - or just the virtual one. I find it very helpful in my actual 150.

  12. Greetings All,

    I can easily set a particular VOR frequency using the knob on the VOR unit. A problem arises, however, when I attempt to adjust the OBS. I'm able to turn the OBS knob (albeit slowly) but the circular heading dial(card) does not move. I've tried a number of mapping options but none has worked so far. Currently I am using Joystick R - Axis Y- along with Increase VOR1 OBS. Suggestions?


    I would love to use the DME function in the 152. I know exactly where the DME window is on my own 150 - but where is it on the 152 in MSFS 2020?



  13. Greetings All,

    While I enjoy flying my own (real) C-150, and having had a ton of fun in FS2004, for the life of me, and despite putting in a MULTITUDE of hours trying to map the 150 in FS2020, I have yet to do so successfully. Not one flight successfully completed. Given the frustration I've continually been experiencing, I've been having thoughts of uninstalling it - and resigning myself to what appears to be an distasteful bit of reality, i.e. FS2020 and I were never meant to be.

    Before pulling the plug on this piece of software, I was wondering if there is anyone in the Flight Sim community who resides in the NYC area who might be able to give me some much needed hands-on assistance. The videos on You Tube have been of only limited help.


    Thank you all.



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