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Posts posted by Tendet

  1. Hi


    I have now decided to try the Logitech X52 HOTAS Pro system after poor results with the Thrust master




    If anyone uses this please can you suggest what settings you recommend? there are so many flight controls/ trims etc noT sure what to assign to which button? I have ideas but flight controls are supposed to be 'instinctive'. As in your hand goes to it automatically to control a flight issue


    Your guidance would be appreciated


    Thanks Folks

  2. I carried out some stationary 'engine runs' last night and think I have discovered the problem. When my joystick throttle is 'closed' fully my N2 is still at 49.5%! Thats enough to taxi!


    However if I use the 'F1' key the throttles close fully? The aircraft then will not move even with brakes off whereas on 49% it will gather speed.


    I cant see any software settings to make the throttle close fully. Due to this I cannot continue with it and will return it to Amazon as 'faulty! It the Joystick!

  3. (Adding to previous post: and make sure AP and AT stay off after landing as well.)


    Another reason for speed going up after landing is if you have crash detect off but land so hard it's a crash. Do that and you won't get a "crashed" message and speed goes up instantly.



    Plus, make sure you have not assigned either command:

    "Thrust, Full (normally F4)"


    "TOGA (on/off)"


    to key: F2

    or to your Toe Brake Pedals.


    Thanks for this


    No landings if anything are a tad 'floaty' and I land on virtually the same touchdown point on each circuit. In case it was just the quirky '13 approach' i have flown to other airports with same reaction. I have now assigned 'reverse thrust' to a button on my HOTAS throttle which helps but cant be used during taxiing!


    I have tried different aircraft and get the same weird thing happening. My old joystick with the built in throttle doesnt do this. Im wondering if a fault with the joystick but when i run 'calibration' it passes all tests.


    I have now found a joystick software program Im going to set up that is very popular. It is supposed to deal with this sort of problem.


    Its actually something that interests me as to why this is happening. Im going to go back to my old thrustmaster to see if it still happens.

  4. Will this related to the reverse thrust is activated when the throttle is fully pull back?

    May be to re-calibrate the throttle and pay attention and mark the trigger point of the reverse thrust range location to avoid activating the reverse thrust kicked in.




    No its not set up to work with reverse thrust. When the throttles are closed the engines just spool down to a level they dont produce thrust. It works fine on my other joystick but this one is useless!

    For pitch reverse or clam shells I use the F2 button if needed.


    Also if reverse thrust DID work on the hand throttle I wouldnt go shooting off down the taxiway, but probably STOP and start going backwards?

  5. Hi


    Not sure if this is the right area for my question? If not please move it to the correct one!


    I have bought Thrustmaster Flight Hotas X. Set up my button assignments as I use them hands on. But the problem I am getting is with my old joystick when the throttle was pulled right back the aircraft STOPPED. To taxi I eased it forward a touch to 4-5 knots job done.


    The Hotas - as soon as I land I cut the power and 'home' the throttles however - my aircraft then starts accelerating and (if I let it) gets up to silly speeds? I have just been flying circuits at Kai Tak (in the King Air) and the only way I can stop the aircraft speeding off very unrealistically when I turn off the runway, to line up for take off again - is to use the mouse to pull the props to 'ground fine'!


    This is the first time Ive had such a problem at one stage I had the full rudder pedals, throttle quadrant and yoke - all performed perfect right out of the box!


    HELP please - otherwise its back to a boring single combined throttle/ joystick.



  6. OOOH CRIKEY yes my Hong Kong looks like a war zone - very underpopulated! I'll have to go back to the scenery


    Im still missing buildings Im not sure im adding it correctly? When I get into the 'scenery' folder its blank ?


    I'll read the 'Goodies' folder!


    Cheers Jim

  7. That doesn't look like 9 Dragons to me, I don't have it installed anymore so I can't easily grab a comparison screenshot but 9D is immensely more detailed than that, even including photoreal on the surrounding mountains. Let me see if I can install it and grab a screenshot, it may take a while. :)


    Ahhhh I have just installed the 2.1 update WOW THE DETAIL and theres the checkerboard!

    I went in and manually added the scenery areas



  8. That doesn't look like 9 Dragons to me, I don't have it installed anymore so I can't easily grab a comparison screenshot but 9D is immensely more detailed than that, even including photoreal on the surrounding mountains. Let me see if I can install it and grab a screenshot, it may take a while. :)


    OK Jim but it SAID 9 Dragons? I owuld have thought it was more detailed?

  9. Ive traced that route and this screenshot must be right in the ball park and ive also gone down to 650 feet which should definitely find it - Im convinced that something is blocking it? Ive deleted the addon software I purchased years ago in case that was blocking it but still no sign.


    I was aware it is quite small but it seems to be 'missing' from my approach?





    I'll try the ISG approach!

  10. Try searching the FS2004 library here for the legendary 9Dragons Kai Tak scenery, it's one of the "must have" add-ons for FS2004.


    Thanks for that I have downloaded and installed and just flown a circuit touch and go. However I had to 'guess' my base leg as............




    Can anyone please give me the exact coordinates of which hill the board is on please? Im going to make up a board in Sketchup and place it as thats vital for the turning point onto the runway.


    Cannot understand why the amazing scenery is there but they 'forgot' the approach turn?:confused:

  11. I have only just noticed that the checkerboard and detailed Kai Tak is missing from FS9? I used to use FS98 and believe it was there then?


    Can anyone give me and accurate grid ref for the 'mountain' the checkerboard is on please? I want to create an accurate airport and buildings with ADE from the hey days of the 70/80's. I will create a Sketchup 'model' of the board and see if I can place this right.


    I was lucky enough to work in Hong Kong for a while and used to love that approach circling the island, in the stack, hearing the flap motors dropping the flaps for approach and the thump of the gear, then that sharp right turn. Watching people on balconies ABOVE us looking down! Chek Lap Cok is just boring so I wont ever go back.

  12. Hi


    In my day working on the VC10 we actually fitted the very first INS inertial nav systems on one for them for flight testing. The autopilot was very simple and and only a few buttons on the centre console!


    I have been doing 'test flights' to see if my Brooklands runway was accurate enough to get a newly built '10' airborne with minimum fuel to enable a flight to Wisley.


    I decided to do a few circuits and trim the aircraft - setting the GPS for the route direct to Wisley - EGTW. (The Wisley I have installed is a download from one of the sim websites not my own creation).


    However activating the 'NAV' button on the AP it did not engage - so I checked the AP in HDG mode - perfect! According to Davids notes the 'NAV' button is set up purely as a 'GPS' on/off button for the VC10. The flight manual says that the Nav radio does not need to be switched on for this fucntion. So any ideas what I am doing wrong to not get 'on beam' using the FS GPS system?


    Thank you.

  13. Thank you Hans ans Tom very interesting reading!


    Yes Hans, I always do a 'fault check' on my airfields and create appropriate aprons for them, I always thought that once a new airfield was added into the 'Global Directory' that some sub routine in FS would allocate some flights to it? Now I know!


    That is a very useful build tool ADE has. Having the fault finder as sometimes a simple 'orphan node' can stop a file compiling. I used to use AFCAD & ADE together which cused conflicts so now I only use ADE and had forgotten the power of this program!

  14. Well I have just binned the whole airfield and started over. Now it is compliling.

    I deleted everything trying a compile after each but this didnt work. I THINK I may have changed a WAYPOINT? But could not find out how to check or access these again.

    I wont be doing THAT anymore!

  15. Hi CRJ


    This is one of my own WW2 airfield recreations. Using old google maps, images, photos etc I run a project to recreate the old airfields also creating my own replica buildings if none exist.


    It has all been working fine after every save. I save my work often as adding the taxiways hard standings etc is time consuming. 6 years ago I had already finished this one but my old PC got a virus and I hadnt been backing up so lost over a years work and probably over a dozen airfields and many buildings.


    With this lockdown I have got back into it but time hasnt doing my memory much good and its like learning from scratch again.


    I dont recall having opened anything directly. This fault only appeared after a long stint yesterday adding many taxiways. The error appeared so I removed all the work I had done to that point attempting a compile at each stage to see what it was - with no joy!


    Strangely though I think I might need to reinstall ADE as it happens if I start a new test project from scratch? It also now has an error that my FX folder is missing? I dont use FX anywhere and certainly havent deleted or moved it so......................???



  16. After over 3 hours work adding more taxiways to an airfield project. Attempted a Compile BIG FAIL. Slowly deleted EVERYTHING I had added in order of construction trying to compile at each stage NOTHING


    error code as follows


    Compiler Errors Found. These were not identified by the Issue Manager. Please let us know

    what the compiler error is so that we can improve the Issue Manager.


    The compiler message is shown below


    ScruffyDuck Scenery Design Engine Compiling

    Using BglComp....



    Parsing document: C:\Users\Murray\ESSS_ADE9_MK.xml



    ERROR: Empty IDENTIFIER tagERROR C2031: Failed element parse

    ERROR C2032: XML Parse Error! Element tree follows:



    ERROR: version = 9.0

    ERROR: >


    ERROR: country = United Kingdom

    ERROR: state = Hampshire

    ERROR: city = Stoney Cross

    ERROR: name = Stoney Cross AB

    ERROR: lat = 50.9006080858661

    ERROR: lon = -1.66184072359506

    ERROR: alt = 326.0F

    ERROR: magvar = 3.40000009536743

    ERROR: ident = ESSS

    ERROR: >


    ERROR: type = GPS

    ERROR: runway = 01

    ERROR: designator = NONE

    ERROR: suffix = 0

    ERROR: gpsOverlay = FALSE

    ERROR: fixType = WAYPOINT

    ERROR: fixRegion = EG

    ERROR: fixIdent = TARAN

    ERROR: altitude = 2400.0F

    ERROR: heading = 1

    ERROR: missedAltitude = 3400.0F

    ERROR: >


    ERROR: >


    ERROR: type = IF


    ERROR: fixRegion = EG

    ERROR: fixIdent =

    ERROR: altitudeDescriptor = +

    ERROR: altitude1 = 2400.0F

    ERROR: >



    ERROR: Compilation errors detected, compilation failed!


    Parse complete! :(



  17. Good Morning Peeps


    I seem to be flying into one obstacle after another just trying to simply put my scenery designs into FS9 :(


    I have now got as far as compiling the files (following Arnos instructions) to place them using Rwy12 ...........However I get as far as THIS





    Which is my replica tower for a WW2 Airfield as close as I can get. Now however when I place the model - it is not there. I am getting an error dialog box


    with this error



    ************** Exception Text **************


    System.ArgumentException: Invalid parameter used.


    at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(String filename)


    at ObjectPlacer.Form1.ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)


    at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs e)


    at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.set_SelectedIndex(Int32 value)


    at ObjectPlacer.Form1.categoriesCombo_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)


    at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs e)


    at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.WmReflectCommand(Message& m)


    at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.WndProc(Message& m)


    at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)


    at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)


    at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)


    Now 6 years ago when I did this before it was so straightforward from Sketchup through MCX and Library Converter into FS9 - not one hiccup. As shown with my recreation of RAF Stoney Cross.




    The tower was virtually the same but my PC at the time got a virus and I hadnt backed up! Losing over a years work of various airfields.


    Now I have noticed an odd difference in that my PC is saving files ALL OVER the place, rather than one allocated folder. I have to hunt for them and copy/ paste to try achieve compilation and placement


    Any ideas please from the honorable experts? Much Obliged


    OH just to add I tried adding using ADE9X as well but object not found.


    Thank You

  18. I have copied the .bgl into my addon scenery but this does not appear amongst the list of usable items in Rwy 12? Do i need to create some sort of file for my items to go into making them 'visible'? As all the other 'library objects' are in the same file I assumed my control tower would be listed. How do you create a small thumbnail pic for your items please?


    I assume its something like adding an '_' file to the menu as something like 'add_Tendet_ww2_objects.xml' ?


    I would like to share my creations with anyone who wants them on Rwy 12 or this site as I add them.


    Thank You.

  19. EXACTLY Tom! I'm back on shift ATM doing my bit but when I can sit down again I will try to fix this. Its worked perfectly in the past with my many models.

    Could it be because Win7 is no longer supported and missing an SP or something. But this doesn't make sense as I tried EXACTLY the same compile sequence on my laptop...…..SAME RESULT INVISIBLE FILE but visible in Windows search


    I must got through my save sequence step by step but as its appearing in 'one way' it must be compiling?

    Did you write Model Converter X Tom?

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