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Posts posted by ryogahibiki345

  1. F-ING AMAZING!! I just read ten pages of issues that obviously show 2020 to date is totally unusable as a sim!!!!! (IMHO a "flight sim" tries to actually simulate RW flying experiences. And yes AOPA, FedEx, UPS, etc. are actually using "sims" to enhance pilot training every day!!)


    IMO This product will never ever qualify as nearly as close to a "Sim" as FS9, FSX, X-Pane, or P3D. And yes, as an old real world pilot, I've tried each of those including being totally disappointed with 2020!


    So I and probably you as well, was stupid enough to waste $100+- to be "Charley" Testers on a POS software that only shows pretty pictures and is IMO only a test platform for online gaming hand held toys.


    There is no way anyone can even pretend this $100 software is even close to being a sim!![ If it were actually a RW product that sold for $100, there would be so many lawsuits about it, it'd rightfully fill up the courts for probably a decade!!!


    Forget About 2020!! IMO Unless you play with a handheld game console there is no way they are interested in you or I!!! Didn't they do exactly this same scam a few years with a pretend sim for online use involving "flying" around Hawaii?


    BTW: Every time I do a mandatory Windows Ten "update" all it means is I get more ads!!!! They don't G.A.F. about anything but receiving advertisers' dollars!!


    If you're still on Windows 7 or whatever DON'T EVEN CONSIDER "UPDATING" TO WINDOWS TEN!!! I'M TRULY SORRY I EVER DID!!! It's as bad as FS2020!!


    People the world over are using Win10 with zero issues, myself included. Since you are referring to it as FS2020, I can only assume that the rest of your infantile tirade is equally over exaggerated and incorrect. There is no such thing as FS2020. It is called Microsoft Flight Simulator, with an official abbreviation by Asobo as, MFS. So clearly you're uninformed, and equally unintelligent. Win 7 is full of security holes that were fixed in Win10, and with no active support for Win7 it's like making a boat out of window screens. I like many others, am perfectly happy with with the money I've spent on MFS, and you saying that MFS is not close to FS9 but worse, leads me quickly to believe you've never flown a single hour on the new MFS. Also I don't see where you are getting ads on Win10, since that is easily gotten around with a good ad-blocker. I see no ads what so ever on my system. If you are truly an old pilot then you should know that the limitations of the home desktop simulator will NEVER match those of a full motion Level-D simulator, to even try to use that as a point of contention is laughable at best, and pathetic at the least. I see you've even edited your comment, meaning that you actually thought about it after you posted it, and left it in its current form. All your bold font just serves to call attention the most egregious comments within your outlandish statement but they are not the only points that are off the mark.

  2. I got FS20 on Day 1. I installed it, flew over my house, uninstalled it, and got a refund. It's possible that one day it might be a real simulation but right now it's too game-like for my taste.


    Most likely because you left everything at the default settings. You can turn off all those visuals and assists just like in FS9/FSX. From your post it sounds like you didn't even try the simulator at all. All you did was take a Dorito out of the bag lick the powder off and put it back. Saying, "This is all there is?"

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