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Posts posted by Robert1936

  1. Where did I fly today? A couple of days ago I took a scenic flight from Las Vegas Henderson Executive to Fresno, circumventing the military and parks areas. Not a very demanding flight in the Beechcraft Baron but what scenery! Desert, Death Valley, mountains and then flat farmland - with an easy landing at Fresno. All in one flight this really showed off the MSFS scenery in a part of the world unfamiliar to most of us in the UK, but all the more impressive for that. This was a whole new way of touring.


    Nothing very technical – but an afternoon well-spent in the Baron. A real fun flight.


  2. Aptosflier, I assumed the ‘mess’ was a result of having the NXi on top of the stock G1000 because I had found some sites saying that one had to removed the latter first. But your helpful response (thanks) suggests that I do not need to do this.

    Mess as follows: cannot always follow GPS flight plan or heading, altitude setting inclined to lock and cannot be altered (but not always). GOTO works most of the time. AP actually only works intermittently – sometimes it does, sometime it doesn’t, but always with the problems described. Interestingly I also have a Bravo quadrant with all the AP buttons and switches correctly bound. But cannot operate AP from there at all at present. All I get is the VS light permanently on. Quadrant use a minor inconvenience - obviously all the buttons are on screen.


  3. I have installed G100 NXi in MSFS. It looks very nice, but: I cannot operate any of the AP buttons on screen. I have the Bravo Throttle quadrant, all the bindings are correct but all I get is the VS button permanently 'On'. AP is not operable from the throttle quadrant either.

    At present I can only handfly the Beechcraft Baron - not feasible for longer flights.

    Anyone any ideas on this one? Perhaps I'm just making a simple mistake somewhere.



  4. The fix to update seems to have solved the issues for me - though I've lost a few bindings to Bravo throttle. Four test flights were fine today (including one unplanned view of sunrise over Grand Canyon!)



  5. Is it just me, or is there a general problem? I had to download an MSFS update today - it took two hours. After this a number of settings in my yoke went awry. But worse than this; no option to load a saved route on launch, no way back from a completed flight to start a new one without exiting the whole program and restarting it.

    Looking forward to some weekend flying - and look what I get!

    I hope this is fixable.



  6. Installed MSFS when it was launched but could not use it because of a sight problem. Eyes now fixed!

    Launched MSFS this morning for my first view and was told there was a compulsory update, clicking this led to a screen with multiple offers to download Chrome - no indication of how to get the update.

    Various forums suggest update has been a major issue for many and cannot be bypassed.

    So now I can see what I'm doing, what next?

    I really would like to try MSFS.



  7. My usual training flight is from Liverpool (EGGP) my home airport, to Aldergrove (EGAA). After a while with ILS, GPS and visual approaches I decided to try VOR, both with the A320 and the Navajo.

    With both aircraft a VOR landing on 170/350 presented few problems after a bit of practise (and low speed crosswind). The VOR is almost on the centre-line of the runway. For 260/080 (the longer runway) it was a different story with the 9 degree VOR offset. OK with good visibility but with visibility 5 nm I found I could not achieve stabilised flight on the approach in time to make a good landing – but I got plenty of missed approach experience.

    Is it a case of me needing to work at it for longer to improve my skills or just a stupid approach that no experienced pilot would try to fly in reduced visibility? Perhaps it’s only GA aircraft that are ever likely to need a VOR approach at this airport and hence the beacon on the shorter runway.

    I haven’t been able to find a Video of a low-visibility approach with on-field offset VOR. Would appreciate any references colleagues might have to such.



  8. Thanks everyone, this has been an interesting conversation, from which I have learnt a lot. As someone well versed in these issues from a maritime perspective I would never set out on a land, sea or air venture without carefully checking my magnetic compass (and taking spare batteries for anything else!)

    When walking in remote territory I usually write the time of meridian passage in my notebook so that if the Sun in shining I can check my sighting compass. I've never actually needed to do this - but better safe than sorry.

    I don't know how much of all this is modeled by flightsim, but I will 'fly' over the magnetic north pole just to see.



  9. Thanks all, this has been a most interesting discussion. Being somewhat versed in these matters from a maritime perspective I would certainly not be so rash as to embark on any land, sea or air venture without a properly calibrated magnetic compass _and_ some spare batteries. I presume FSX and MSFS don't model all his but provide a magnetic compass that are always correct (I'll try 'flying' over the North magnetic pole some time)



  10. So, just to clarify: The magnetic compass can be checked against a reliable instrument like a GPS. So I could take my hiking GPS in the aircraft to check the compass? But then if I have my pocket GPS couldn't I use that instead of the magnetic compass in order to check for gyro drift?

    In a plane with a GPS navigation system presumably it doesn't used a gyro so one can use it to check the magnetic compass - just in case the GPS system fails?



  11. Instructional videos always advise pilots of GA aircraft in Flightsim to check their instrument heading against the magnetic compass to correct for gyro drift. As an ancient mariner I know that the magnetic compass is itself subject to errors - and they can vary with the course you are steering - and presumably the heading one is flying. One of my last tasks at sea in a small boat was spending a morning crisscrossing a transit line on different courses, checking the magnetic compass error.

    So, how do pilots deal with this? In a small aircraft the magnetic compass is close to a large lump of metal (namely an engine).




  12. This is a new sim, sort of like going from FS2004 to FSX. As such, you can have both FSX and MSFS2020 installed at the same time, provided you have the drive space. And depending on the add-ons you have installed in FSX, you may want to keep it around until the selection of add-ones for the new sim increases.


    Thanks for that Loki, I will certainly be out of disk space.It looks as if MSFS2020 will have everything! But I hope Aivlasoft flight planning will be OK. I will miss my Navajo - which I very much like flying - this seems to be missing from the a/c available in MSFS2020.


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