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Posts posted by t.barber

  1. hi their,

    yeh it would be great if you could show me how too,ive windows7 n fsx,id like to make popups in a2a comanche or of any of the default planes,,....gauges like just the 4 main ones.i really would like too get too know how to....thanks for listening....

  2. hello their

    speaking of gauges could i just ask you about click popup gauges,my eyes are a bit worn now[70yrs]thats enough for anyones eyes,im just trying too find out how too click and popup so i can see the gauge or gauges better,im using windows7 and fsx,an example is a2a comanche gps click on it and it popsup,it does really work for my eyes,i suppose i could look in the gps files but i really dont have a n idea what im doing.help would be much appreciated.thanks for listening....

  3. hi their

    can anyone out there help,i trying too find out how too click a gauge and it pops up[not shift +n][one example is the a2a comanche gps, click it and it pops up],the only reason im asking is that my eyes are not very good any more i have too almost squint too see a gauge properly.im using windows 7 ,fsx.i would be really grateful if anyone could show me how too make this happen....thanks for listening......

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