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Posts posted by essak

  1. hello it`s Anwar Joossab

    I have another issue with flight simulator fs2004 the frames are not as smooth as before.

    Is there anyway i can improve on this situation I really appricate your input on this matter.

    Kind regards,


  2. hi,

    it`s Anwar Joossab below is the information requested,

    1)wing view config in aircraft panel config

    2)added taxing guage/music/moving map and various in the above file



    5)sabena dc10-30 hjg site(historic jet group)

    6sadly no

    I appriciate any help in this matter

    kind regards,


  3. Hi,

    it`s Anwar Joossab sorry to trouble you again I tried changing the "panel.cfg file in fs2004" but still cannot see the wings in 2d.Is there anything else I can try?

    Thanks for your assistance,

    Kind regards,


  4. Wing views are stored in the panel.cfg file. If you changed panels, then you lost the wing views of the previous panel.



    it`s Anwar Joossab sorry to bother you you again, in my previous I stated that I lost my wing views in fs2004-2D panel" please advise on how to rectify the situation and get me back my wing views in

    fs2004. I am not a fan of virtual cockpit.

    Thank you,

    kind regards,


  5. Hello

    it`s Anwar Joossab just a quick query I have lost "wing views fs2004 in 2d cockpit" how can I retrieve them. i have them virtual cockpit but I am not a fan of "virtual cockpit fs2004" please advise on how to solve this problem.

    Thank you,

    Kind regards,


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