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Posts posted by Mithras

  1. I'm wanting to get rid of the wind turbines as I want to have as close to ww2 scenery as possible and them soddin turbines just ruin it all, anyone know if it's possible to remove them somehow?


    Install Instant Scenery. It lets you delete objects from the scenery, it also gives you access to ALL your scenery libraries (including ORBX) to place any object anywhere, so you can add detail to your home town or your favourite airstrip, or add landmarks that might be missing. Its fab. See a problem in FSX - delete it with IS.



  2. Not kidding, the same happened to me!! My wife and son were at St James Palace event, with various writers and celebrities and Camilla (it was the BBC2's 500 words story finale). I sat outside Buckingham Palace like you watching endless big jets crawl past on finals. Very cool!


    I've just come back from 2 days in London (my wife was at a breakfast at St James Palace, with Camilla and a few celebrity actors and writers) and I sat at Buckingham Palace watching A330s, 777s and A380s crawling past on a slow turn onto final, turbines screaming, flaps dangling ... So today I made a couple of flights in a A321 from Schiphol and Brussels onto the same runway, and I could see Buckingham Palace beneath me when I could spare half a second.


    Thank you

  3. I too would like to thank this fantasic group of simmers, not for teaching me to fly (I watched instructor videos on You Tube and bought some pilot books! ) but for how to solve the hundreds of problems you inevitably have trying to get the sim to run like you want. I hated computers, but Zi learnt from these good people how to 'fly' the PC!
  4. Thanks Chuck, I was hoping it wasn't UK2000 scenery and it doesn't look like part of anything they would create... it seems to be a highly-detailed part of a military vehicle or aircraft. I also have FTX Global and UTX Europe installed, but no military add-ons at all.

    I've had so many mid-air building collisions in FSX:SE that I've switched off collision damage & detection altogether, I've no idea where they're coming from though!


    I also have an object high above Lincolnshire, thought it was Sleaford, but Cranwell is in that area. Thought it was a cute add in, but I'd like to get rid of it. I have UK2000 Airfields v1

  5. This morning I recreated the flight of the Kirby's in the King Air in Jurassic Park 3. We took off from Costa Rica, SAn Jose Airport and flew south and east to the DAV VOR where we dropped under 1000' and then followed the 114 radial out to 'Isla Sorna', which I had to replicate using Panama's Isle de Coiba, an uninhabited national park. Once over the ocean I dropped to 300' to avoid radar. Coiba looked OK, but FSX did stick in some farmland as well as thick jungle, I presumed the habitation was what was left of Site B. WE circled and I found a spot to put the King Air down. Unfortunately not a sign of any dinosaurs!!!















  6. The news is a great inspiration. This weekend I am ferrying Prime Minister David Cameron to his European meetings, Holland, France, Poland and Germany.


    I've just come back from 2 days in London (my wife was at a breakfast at St James Palace, with Camilla and a few celebrity actors and writers) and I sat at Buckingham Palace watching A330s, 777s and A380s crawling past on a slow turn onto finals, turbines screaming, flaps dangling ... So today I made a couple of flights in a A321 from Schiphol and Brussels onto the same runway, and I could see Buckingham Palace beneath me when I could spare half a second....


    TV documentaries, anything really. All gets me flying. After watching an air crash show, I replicated JFK Jnrs fatal flight in his Saratoga using my Carenado, managed to get the time right, and found a weather theme that was perfect. With lots of mist. Like JFK I flew visually at night. I didn't crash, but did miss Marthas Vineyard, identifying an island further west for it. Soon realised my mistake and landing OK.

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